Chapter 1

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They told me I could be anything I wanted. Straight from the moment I had been able to comprehend the mindless babbles that came from the precocious mouths of adults, they told me exactly that.
I was a fool to believe them.
When we hear that we think there will be no judgments, no dissatisfaction or dissagreements, and generally no displeasure. We'll just add that to the list of things adults don't teach us.
When I was in Kindergarten, they asked me it, of course, as a child, I told them what I truthfully wanted to be. But when people hear a child tell them they want to be a cat, will they take them seriously? Will they take them seriously if they say a rockstar, or a princess? Do they even hear our words? Unless you're truly an adult yourself the answers are veiled in the mystery of maturity, a thing we can only reach through time and learning.
Unfortunately, my time had not come then, and nor has it come since then. My whole Kindergarten year had been surrounded by people calling me Li-Li, a pet name for Alicia, and ruffling my hair as they passed by me. Teachers and students alike.
While other students loved their 'congratulations!' and 'you did it!' stickers, I preferred to hear someone calling me a good girl and feeling the comfort of a soft pat on the head. I didn't know I was different. That was another thing they never told me.

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