Chapter 13

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They told me that maybe it was time to get out more. Break out of the school, coffee shop, library, home routine.
I thought it was just fine, but I've discovered in recent years that it's just best to entertain their dumb ideas.
I figured, the routine is going to change eventually, school is almost at its end.
There was still no plan for me. I didn't mind.
Maybe it was just time for me to let go. I could accept that.
Move on.
So I did as I was told. I stayed within the conformity of doing what was asked of you.
There was a park.
It didn't seem the most interesting, and that's why I chose it.
Cold, dead, empty, all reasons I now loved the park.
I gave it a reason to be loved.
There's nothing I could do better with my pathetic life.
I circled the parks sidewalk twice everyday. My head down, hood up. It was good thinking time.
My parents appreciated that little bit if excersize as well.
It was...'healthy'.
I thought, 'If they knew what little this was really doing for my health, maybe they wouldn't make such a fuss.'
I suppose that is what they did best; make a fuss.
It was a talent.
I had no talent, except maybe when it came to the oddest circumstances.

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