Chapter 16

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They told me it was great that there was someone I could socialize with outside of my family.
Not that I socialized with my family, of course.
I avoided that at all costs.
But they were right.
It was great, it felt great. Sometimes, I randomly smiled for no reason, knowing that it was just another day that Jack was in my life.
I couldn't stop thinking his name.
I'd learned a lot about him.
He was twenty-two, which made him four years older than me. He liked swimming. His favorite book genre is mystery.
They used to tell me that getting to know people would be good for me, that I might start to like them.
I thought they were wrong at the time, but the more I know about Jack, the more I agree with them.
I had realized that they were getting more and more things right since Jack showed up.
Maybe they weren't all that bad.
Or maybe Jack was good enough for all of them.
Somebody spoke to me at school yesterday.
I didn't know what to say, so I didn't speak.
I hadn't even said more than a few words to Jack, but he said he loved my silence as much as my voice.
It was comforting.
The person told me they'd seen me smiling lately, and that I looked much better when I did so.
They asked me to keep smiling.
That was easy, but the smile wasn't for them.
I didn't want to smile for anyone else.
There was no one who made me feel as good as Jack did.

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