Chapter 10

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They told me I shouldn't have switched booths, maybe he would've continued to notice me if only he had seen me more than once.
Made sense, but as much as he intrigued me, he also frightened me.
When he walked into the cafe, the workers all smiled, greeting him.
He was perfect, and he stood out.
I wanted nothing more than a life of fitting in.
The next day he leaned on the counter after placing his order, scanning the front of the cafe. There was a small frown twitching on those beautiful, inncoent lips.
I wondered: just what could upset such a creature?
What had made this beautiful being sad?
I watched him as he sighed, gliding over to his usual seat and sitting down, the afternoon sun shining down on his godly figure.
And he twisted.
He twisted that ring, and the only thing I could think until the moment he left was why.

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