Chapter 18

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"So, this is my room." Hunter tried to keep back his excitement as Jacob stood in his doorway. His mate hadn't yet entered his room. This was the first time in Hunter's life that he was willingly letting someone into his territory. Of course, his dad pushed the limit and forces it, but this- this was different.

Hunter wanted Jacob to enter and to mix their scents. He wanted to smell him when he goes to sleep. He couldn't wait to share it.

"Is it really that exciting for you?" Jacob questioned in his head and looked around the small room. It wasn't messy but it wasn't tidy. There were a few things on the floor and Hunter didn't look like he owned a lot of belongings. But the double bed that he did own looked incredibly comfortable.

"Yes," Hunter spoke out loud and watched his feet. "It's a big thing for me. I want you to come in, I've never felt that before."

Jacob watched his eyes. They were bright and eager. When Hunter looked up to him, he quickly diverted his gaze. "Are you sure it's okay?" he questioned. He knew how angry he got at his dad for entering.

"It's more than okay," Hunter smiled. His eyes quickly diverted back to his feet. "I'm inviting you into my room."

Jacob waited a second. He could see how determined Hunter was to share his territory. So he lifted his foot and stepped through the doorway.

Hunter watched his feet so intensely like a dog waiting for it's owner to throw a stick. Jacob's feet had crossed from the wooden floor onto the dark brown carpet.

Hunter exploded with delight and was unable to keep back his wolf form. Jacob had only just relaxed in his home until Hunter's shirt ripped and a huge white wolf was suddenly standing right in front of him.

Jacob gasped and fell against the wall. His eyes were wide with fear. Even standing, the wolf's head was at his waist and filled up a lot of the floor space.

Hunter froze, seeing and feeling his mate's sudden change in emotion. "Don't worry, it's only me!" His voice echoed soothingly in his mate's mind. "I'll sit, see?"

Jacob watched him sit on his back legs. Hunter was panting slightly from the build up of excitement which he was trying to keep back.

"You're huge," Jacob whispered.

"I know I'm big but don't let it overwhelm you. There's nothing to be afraid of."

Jacob's big eyes traced his soft fur and his ears that curled at the top. The wolf's eyes were the same grey colour, showing only composure.

"It'll take me a moment to calm down, I'm still excited." Hunter very rarely lost control. The last time was when he was just a young child and his parents had gone away for a few weeks. He missed them more than what he realised because when they came back, they spent hours trying to calm him down enough for him to change into a human. He was just a little pup.

Jacob's back pressed hard against the wall. He knew the wolf was Hunter, it just shocked him when he changed so fast.

Just as quickly as Hunter transformed into a wolf, he was promptly kneeling on the floor as a human once again. He glanced up and Jacob looked even more startled, maybe even too much. 

Jacob couldn't explain why, but his legs buckled.

Hunter quickly stood up as Jacob fell forward. He wrapped his arms around him and caught him against his body. "Okay, take it easy," He soothed while Jacob gripped onto him. "Let's sit you down." Hunter guided him to his bed and helped him take a seat.

Jacob breathed deeply. How did he manage to be so calm when Hunter transformed in the field?

The werewolf placed a hand on his back and rubbed it gently. He watched Jacob close his eyes and rest his head in his hands.

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