Chapter 72

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Anthony turned and studied the space behind him, not able to see what Jacob was seeing.

"Jay," William gently placed a hand on his shoulder. "Where is she?"

"By the back door," He breathed. "She's staring right at me."

Once more, Anthony looked behind him and saw nobody.

"This is creepy."

Alisha's eyes were like looking into an empty pit. They were dark, emotionless and he detected no soul. Indicating that it had gone, leaving her empty shelled body behind.

"I-I don't understand, she's dead," Jacob could feel his storm brewing in the sky. Something was pushing him to go and speak to her. He knew her spirit was here for a reason.

"Is she saying anything?" Scott questioned.

Just then, Margo walked outside and straight through Alisha who vanished into thin air. Jacob blinked and for a second, questioned his sanity.

"She's gone." This was a very odd situation to be stuck in and he was the only one who could figure it out. So he teleported into the bedroom which Hunter previously claimed, leaving everyone else to their confusion.

He sat on the floor and took a big breath of air. Burying his head in his hands, he tried to make sense of what was happening. Hope was all he could cling onto but that felt worse. In the past, it was easy to abandon faith when he was alone.

The room was deadly silent, empty and too big. He wanted to curl up under a duvet and escape from the world.

Suddenly, he gasped and scrambled across the floor with huge and fearful eyes. Someone had tapped his shoulder and he found himself looking at Alisha once more.

He was breathing heavy with his back pushed against the side of the bed. Getting a fright was very easy for Jacob, but this was on a whole different level.

"W-Why are you here?" He whispered, trying not to sound utterly terrified.

Alisha sat on the floor too. She didn't attempt to move closer but the empty emotion on her face and his history with her were very unsettling.

"I'm warning you." Even her voice was monotone and stripped from any life she ever had.

"About what?" He could barely hold his thoughts together.

"Are you okay Jacob? Why are you thinking about Alisha?" Hunter's voice filled his head, making him instantly switch off their mind-link. He had to concentrate on the danger in front of him.

"Alisha killed herself this morning, or so you have been told. I am her body, the one in which you remember. Her soul has gone to where it belongs and her spirit is left with us, so we can use it to our advantage." Jacob started to fidget. If this wasn't Alisha, then who was it? "Jacota, the keeper of lightning and the God of wolves. You are very important to us and it is in our best interest that we keep your guardian safe."

"Wha- Hunter?" Jacob was starting to feel confused. "Who are you?"

"My identity is not important at this current stage. However, your soulmate is in great danger. We looked through Alisha's memories, thoughts and feelings. She holds a very strong and heavy anger towards yourself and your guardian but her death today was no suicide."

Jacob was now beginning to feel intrigued.

"Did someone kill her? But, how is Hunter in danger?"

"Hunter's Beta wolf is incredibly loyal, however, his omega wolves are plotting against him as we speak."

"What!" The fear had left Jacob's mind. Surely, this could not be true. "How do you know this?"

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