Chapter 47

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Jacob could not explain why he suddenly felt so powerful. The lightning forming around his hands should be alarming him, but it wasn't. Looking at it felt oddly normal. For some reason, his mind was telling him that everything was okay, this is what is supposed to happen.

Hunter's eyes were wide and he had shuffled away. He was incredibly intrigued yet, a little cautious. Lightning is not to be messed with. Margo and Anthony had run out to watch with the same wide eyes as their son.

A huge rumble of thunder bellowed within the clouds. Jacob jumped and his gaze remained fixed on the flickering yellow lightning. A few seconds later, it grew more intense and started touching his palms. It made his skin tingle but he liked it.

Hunter sat up when he realised it wasn't going away.

"Are you... taking the lightning from this storm?" He asked.

"I-I don't know," Jacob breathed. "What do I do?" He didn't know how to control it or what he could do with it.

Hunter had enough of just staring at him so he quickly got up. He wanted to see what he was capable of. Jacob slowly got up too and put his hands together. The electricity combined and continued to circle them.

"Try aiming it at something and see what it does," Hunter suggested. Jacob was slightly fascinated so he pointed his hand and a bolt of the electricity shot out of him and landed hard on the floor next to Hunter's feet. He jumped back and almost lost his balance. "Not at me!"

Jacob smiled and stared at the now burnt patch of grass in front of him. Could he really control that? He wanted to know more about it.

Hunter watched him turn and point his hand at another patch of grass. The bolt, like last time, shot in that direction and exploded on the ground. He then turned and did it again.

"Hey!" Anthony's voice echoed across the field, stopping him. "Stop ruining my grass!"

Hunter rolled his eyes.

"I'll get some wood for you. Do you think you can turn it off on command?"

"I don't know." Jacob was getting a little excited. He has always been a bit jumpy and weird around thunderstorms. Now, they would be his favourite kind of weather because the storms are here for him. "Can you um, come here?"

Hunter frowned and watched with caution.


"I want to touch you and see what happens."

Hunter held his hands up and took a step back.

"I'm not going to be your little guinea pig. Experiment on Sam. I'll call him."

"He's injured. I don't think it'll hurt you though."

"Are you serious? just look at the grass," Hunter pointed to the fried black grass with smoke sizzling out of it. "You are not-"

Jacob pointed his hand at Hunter and a bolt shot out of it. But this time, it was different. It was like a rope of electricity that shot forwards and quickly wrapped around his wrist like a whip.

"Jacob!" He panicked, thinking that his hand was going to burn off or he would feel immense pain. However, he didn't. Jacob's eyes were full of interest. He imagined that to happen and it did. How did he know it wouldn't hurt Hunter?

Flora stood up when she realised young Jacob was managing to tame his power. He pulled on the bolt and it tugged on Hunter's wrist, bringing them closer together.

"How is that not hurting me?" He was surprised, it felt cold on his skin.

"This is amazing," Jacob whispered and opened up his fist. The bolt shot back into his palm on command. He wasn't overwhelmed, he wasn't finding this too hard to deal with. He is now beginning to understand that this is, in fact, a gift and he should not take it for granted.

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