No Different[3](Edited)

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Jake and I talked for hours, with Freddy tucked between us; discussing how life had been since I left, and how we want it to be; everything from dating and crushes, to how much we have changed in the past 6 years.

"You're all big and muscle-y, you know that steroids are bad for you right?" I asked vehemently, throwing my hands in the air for emphasis.

"I'm not on steroids, Rabbit. I'm naturally this sexy." He returned, vainly running his hand through his hair.

"There is nothing natural about enhancement drugs, Jacob. They make your penis smaller, you know." I laughed loudly, clutching my stomach.

"Whoa, there, Aribella; My penis is just fine, thank you. Gosh, I never knew you were so open about this. Its weird." His cheeks flushed red, which made me laugh even harder.

I continued giggling and poked Jacob in the bicep, feeling that already familiar electrical current flow through my finger. He smiled and poked me in the ribs, causing me to squeal and slap a hand over my mouth. A wide and mischievous grin spread across his face, and he began to tickle me, sending me to the floor with an audible thud. I screamed and tried pulling away with no avail. He was just too damn strong. I scoured my brain for a plot to escape, but nothing came to mind.

I'm screwed.

"Jake, stop it!" I shriek, "This isn't funny."

"Oh, yes it is!" He chuckled, tickling me more furiously.

Mustering every ounce of strength that I could, I raced out of the room and down the stairs, tripping on the last step, but quickly I recovered. Billy and my dad looked at me like I was insane as I tried to squeeze my petite body underneath the coffee table.

That was when Jacob bounded down the stair case.

Jake saw my tiny feet poking out from underneath the settee, and I squealed again, pulling them as close to me as I possibly could. But pf course, I was too slow. He grabbed me by the ankles and pulled me out onto the hardwood floor, tickling me once more. Soon, Billy and my dad joined in, holding me down and tickling me just as furiously. Just then, Bella walked through the door.

"Sister, dear save yourself!" I called between fits of laughter.

"No, I could never leave you." She screamed, fighting her way through the mass of men tickling me.

Taking my hand, Bella pulled me away from Dad, Billy, and Jake. We raced up the stairs into our room at what felt like lightning speeds, locking the door behind us. I collapsed on the floor, breathing heavily and thanking her for saving my life. My sides were killing me from laughing so hard; I could barely stand.

Once I collected myself, I saw Bella sitting on her bed, tugging at a thread that was fraying from her blanket. She looked sad, and I became worried. I move over to her, and wrapped my arms around her, leaning my head on her shoulder.

"Whats wrong, Izzy?" I asked, playing with the ends of her hair.

"I'm sorry about Edward. I don't know what came over him. He's never like this." She told me, fiddling with the engagement ring on her left hand.

"It's okay, he probably sensed my distaste for him and acted on it. Jake helped me get over it. I'm not mad, I promise."

"You may not be mad, but I am. I should have stayed and taken care of you, not Jacob. He isn't your big sister, he isn't the one that you should look up to. I am, Ari. Me."

"Bella, its okay, I'll be all right, you know I wouldn't have let you help me anyway." I whispered. "You left me, Bella. I was so scared. I needed you, and you weren't there; this is no different."

With that said, I whisked out of the room and down the stairs, then out of the back door. Tears were streaming down my face and I raced to the woods then Iran until I came to an oddly familiar meadow. I sat on the damp earth, and cried until my chest hurt. I took that moment and decided to lie down, trying my best to forget the world.

I lay there on my back, staring at the now darkening sky, and remembered to back when I was little: before I got sick, and before Jacob lost his mom. Before I knew what true sadness felt like, before I knew what it was like to really be alone.

I wanted so much to leave all of that pain in the past, but I knew that wasn't possible. I couldn't take anything back, and I couldn't rewind time. All of that suffering had to happen for a reason, right?

I'm a huge believer in fate and that our entire lives are planned for us by some higher power. I don't necessarily believe in God, but I do believe in higher power, and in good and evil. I believe that anything is possible, and you cant change the outcome. We don't have a remote control to pause and play our lives for a reason, and that really means that fate shouldn't be messed with.

Sounds erupted around me, and I felt surrounded, like the world was caving in on me. I hadn't realized I'd fallen asleep until it began to get harder to breathe.

I tried my hardest to stay conscious and aware.

Feeling something terribly cold on my neck, I fought to catch my breath, to stay coherent.

Through bleary, tear filled eyes, I saw a pair of ruby red orbs staring down at me, surrounded by pale skin and deep auburn curls. My attacker has a slender face, high cheek bones, and gorgeous lips. I couldn't help but stare in awe at the lovely creature above me, I nearly forgot that her hands were around my throat, cutting off my air supply.

The edges of my vision began to fade to black and a strangled gasp escaped my mouth. I struggled against her, clawing anything I can possibly reach. She was much too strong; inhumanly strong.

I started to remember back when I was okay with dying, when I knew that losing my life was inevitable. I imagined the lovely white light I have heard so much about, and saw Jacob's mother Sarah standing at an entrance of sorts, and shaking her head at me.

"My boy needs you, Rabbit. Go back.." She told me, her voice musical, and just as lively as it was before she died.

I opened my eyes to see a wolf standing over me, its russet fur reflecting in the moonlight, and it had familiar chocolate colored eyes, relentlessly staring down at me with concern. It's terrified face was the last thing I saw before I unconsciousness swallowed me, before the blackness took over.

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