The Battle[13](Edited)

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"I never pegged you to be the one to surrender so soon." She drawled, her voice dripping like acid.

"And I never pegged someone as beautiful as you to be so malicious." I growled, turning to face her head on.

She stalked towards me, and I retreated, feeling the fear creep up my fingertips and flow through my veins. I'm wasn't ready for this, I don't think I ever was. The days of my past started flashing before my eyes, but I didn't allow myself to concentrate on any of them. I needed to do this, not for me, but for the people I love. I needed to stand my ground, and not let anyone hurt Jake or the rest of the pack; not let anyone hurt my family or friends. This was my fight, and I was here to settle the score.

My vision became suddenly enhanced, and I felt the air on my skin like it was a fan right in front of my face. The dark clearing became brighter when a brilliant white light emitted itself from my body. I took a step forward, and the leech took a step back. Who is playing cat and mouse now?

My darling, Aribella, a familiar voice called out to me. Focus on the light, and imagine it as fire. It tells me.

In my mind, I saw the light take the form of a bright orange flame, and guided it closer to the vampire; she tried to run, but another light was holding her in place. One that I created. She only wants to use you, my dear. Allow the flame to consume her, there will no longer be a war when it is finished.

The fire moved to her feet, and lapped its way up the rest of her form; a blood curdling scream erupted from her mouth, and I cringed. Abruptly it all stopped, and I saw nothing but a large pile of ash, and billowing purple smoke rising toward the sky.

Cold hands wrapped around my arms, and I felt someone breathing on my throat. I felt the necklace Miss Maya gave me being lifted off of my throat, and I screamed in terror. A piece of fabric was forcefully placed over my mouth, and someone cackled.

"Does this smell like chloroform to you?" A sharp voice asked me; then the entire world goes dark.


I woke up in a windowless room, tied to an uncomfortable wooden chair. There were medical supplies all around me, but the thing that caught my eye, were the blood bags. I have needed blood transfusions in the past, so I know what those were for. I even accompanied Phil once when he donated blood. This wasn't going to be good.

"So, sleeping beauty is finally awake." A dark haired man sneered. "It was difficult to finally get to you Tink, but once those wolves were finally abolished, it was a piece of cake."

"No!" I screamed. They killed my Jacob.

"Oh yes, my dear. There are no more of those silly pups. Its only you, me, and the rest of my coven. We aren't going to miss Amelia too much, thank you for getting rid of her." It is then that I realized he is talking about the female vamp that I killed.

The room faded at the edges, and I imagined another light, one strong enough to incinerate this fucker, but an immense pain rages through my body. I cried out in agony, slumping forward in my chair, feeling pins and needles caress my skin.

"Did I forget to mention that Miss Maya offered to help me in exchange for immortality?" He asked, tracing his ice cold finger along my jaw line.

"That bitch." I hissed, lashing against the chains that are restraining me. To my surprise, the blood sucker jumped back.

"You're scared of me." I laughed. "You don't even want to be in this room with me." My darling daughter, the voice from earlier said. Mom, was my biological mother. Tell him everything I say. Tell him that the wife and children he left behind are beautiful. Marie and Anderson.

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