And So It Begins[12](Edited)

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"A lure?" Jacob repeated, looking at me with shocked eyes.

"Yeah, I go stand in the middle of a field or something when the stupid vampires come out, ya'll eat them, or whatever you do." I said, tracing the lines on his palm.

"Eat them?" Leah laughed. "We rip them apart and burn the pieces."

"Oh, well, then I just stand there and look like the pretty little fairy I am while you guys grate them like cheese!" I told them, being a little cocky.

"I don't want you to do this until you know how to manage your power." Jake sighed, shaking his head in a distressed manner.

"Well, how are we gonna do that?"

Jake looked at Jared, who looked at Paul, who looked at Emily, who looked at Sam. "Take her to Miss Maya." Sam finally ordered. "She will know what to do."

Without a word, Jacob took my hand and lead me outside, then sat me in his Rabbit. He ran his hands through his hair and walked around the front of the car, sitting in the drivers seat then starting the engine. Not a word was said as he drove down the winding roads, we were in the car for half an hour then we crossed the Makah reservation line. This must have been really important to him to go this far for me.

We pulled up in front of a tiny house, and I saw a wrinkly old woman sitting on the porch. She smiled, and waved broadly, telling us to come in.

Jake and I walked inside, closing the door behind us then stepped into a small living room that was covered in many tribal objects. There were colorful stones, and beaded bracelets. A bowl of sage sat in the corner, with an eagle feather balancing delicately on top of it.

The woman sat in a large, plush chair near the coffee table, and motioned for us to take a seat as well. We sat on the couch across from her, and she looked at us expectantly.

"Uhm, Miss Maya... This is Ari, my imprint." Jake started. She smiled and shook my hand from across the table. "She is also a fairy."

Miss Maya inhaled sharply, and stood up, rummaging around the room looking for something. She returned with a leather pouch, a necklace, and several bracelets. "Come here, child." She said, her voice like gravel.

I sat on my knees, leaning over the coffee table while Jake kept his hand on the small of my back. "This, my dear, is a Nikto(That is just a random word I came up with, it doesnt mean anything) it is made from the ashes of a cold one." She told me, holding out the necklace. On the end of it, was an onyx charm, it sparkled in the dim light. "It will protect you from them, though I do not know why."

I took the necklace, and fastened it around my throat, letting the cold charm rest against my chest. She then took my arm, placing a purple woven bracelet on my wrist. "This is made of a special fabric, fabric that was blessed by a witch doctor. It will help you keep your powers all in one place, and will help you keep them in control. And this..." She told me, emptying the leather pouch into my hand. "Is the immortality stone. Whenever you have it, you will be physically invincible. But, it can be dangerous, some people allow the power to go to their head. Promise me that wont happen to you, child."

"I promise, Miss Maya..." I whispered, staring at the stone in my palm, watching as it changed from red to black and back again.

"Take care of her, Jacob. She is precious. Her blood is treasured."

"I will, Miss Maya, thank you." Jacob promised her, placing the stone back into the pouch, before tying it to one of my belt loops. I smiled at him, and Miss Maya stood up suddenly, nearly pushing us out the door. "You must go now, it is beginning. It is starting!" The door closed in our faces, and I looked at Jacob, shocked. He just shrugged and hopped back into his car, I followed his lead and buckled my seat belt. As we backed away form Miss Maya's house, I saw her staring at us through the window, she noticed me looking, and quickly closed the curtains.


Standing in the middle of the clearing, I couldn't shake the feeling of being watched, by something other than the pack. Someone else was standing nearby, and all of their focus was on me, the fairy girl. I really wish I had practiced my magic before going out there.

The tall grass around me brushed at my legs, and I shivered involuntarily. The sun began to set, adding to the creep factor, and I felt terror wash over me. What the hell did I get myself into?

"Giving yourself up so easily, are we?" A voice asked.

I turned and looked into the face of the familiar Red-Eye. The one that tried to kill me. "Yes, I'm giving up."


Dun dun duuuuuuunnnnn! Im sorry its so short... I wanna build up the suspense for what I have planned. Dont be mad at me, pretty please?! I love you my little Gremlins! <3 Comment vote and fan!

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