The Sign [14]

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Hey, loves! Sorry it's taken me so long to update. Im getting tons and tons of awesome ideas for new stories, and keep lagging on the update. Please, please, PLEASE forgive me! I love you waaaaay too much to lose you! Anyways, the next chapter will be the LAST chapter of TLMSTM, but that doesnt mean that I will stop writing Twilight Fan Fictions! <3 Okay, I know, you wanna read now. GO!



Tears collected in Bella's eyes, and I reluctantly pulled myself out of Jacob's grasp. I weasled my way onto her lap, and placed my forehead in the crook of her shoulder.

"Bellzy, no matter what, you are still my sister. Our parents took me in the day I was born, and I was raised in our family. You are still, and always will be, my favorite sister. I promise." I whispered.

Bella sniffled, and pulled me close, stroking my hair. "I know, I just dont want to lose you. You said your biological mom was with you, what if she wants you back?"

"I don't think I would go back." I told her honestly. "She was never there, and I never knew about her. You, mom, and dad-- even Phil--- are my family now. I'm staying."

I didn't notice that Dr. Cullen had left until I felt Jacob's arms wrap around Bella and I, he held us close, allowing his warmth to consume us.

This is what family was. This is what people dreamed of, and this is what I had. I wouldn't have traded it for the world, I wouldn't change a thing. Yeah, I was a fairy, and I was dating a werewolf. So what if my sister was a measly human that was dating an over-bearing vampire? Who cares if I just went on a blood sucker killing spree and burned an entire home to the ground with just my mind?

Wow. I never really noticed how fucked up that sounded until just now.

I stared out the glass wall, and watched the sun set, seeing remnants of purple smoke lingering in the air. The sky grew dark as I watched the trees billow in the breeze, and I smiled. This is what it was like to be loved, and to be in love. This was my fairy tale.


Bells left not too long ago, and I was cuddled up with Jacob on the little couch by the window wall. We were doing our best to count the stars, but one of us somehow messed the other person up, and we had to start over completely. But I really don't think Jake minded, I didn't either.

"99, 100, 101, 102..." Jake counted quietly.

"9, 10, 11.." I smiled, leaning into him.

"12, 13.. Damnit, Ari!!!" He snickered, pushing me playfully.

I pushed him back, then snuggled into his chest, letting the scent of tree sap fill my nostrils. I loved the way Jacob smelled, always so woodsy, and calming.

"Hey, baby?" Jacob said quietly.

"Hmm??" I responded.

"When you saw the blood sucker for the first time, you said that you saw my mom... Its been gnawing away at my brain ever since. Do you think it was real?"

"I do, Jacob. I really do." I replied, looking him dead in his chocolate brown eyes.

"How was she?" He choked out.

"She was good Jacob, but she misses you and Billy. I could tell."

Aribella, my darling. Tell your love, that his mother loves him dearly, and that she doesn't want to be sad. My mother whispered. I smiled.

"She loves you a lot, Jacob. She wouldn't want you or your dad to be sad."

"I know, Ari. I just miss her a lot, you know? I wanted to have my mom around when I grew up. I wanted to introduce you to her as my girlfriend not just my best friend." He whispered, a tear falling down his cheek.

I wiped it away, as my mother began to speak again. Tell Jacob that Sarah is always with him, that she knows you two are together, and that she is very proud of her only son. Tell him that she watched him grow up, and that she is so happy that he is such a good guy.

"Jakers, she was always with you. She knew we were going to be together before we hit puberty, I bet you anything. She is so proud because of the way you turned out, and she watched you grow up. Just because she wasn't there physically, doesn't mean she wasn't there at all."

"Your mom is telling you what to tell me, isn't she?" Jacob asked. Did I forget to mention that Jake knew my mom could talk to me through my mind?

I tapped my forehead and nodded. He laughed and kissed where my finger just was. "Well, I feel better now that I know my mom never really left me." He sighed. "I just wish that there was a sign she was around.."

Suddenly, a book fell off of one of the many shelves in the room we were in. I walked over to it slowly, while Jacob stared curiously from the couch. A familiar face, with a house on top of its head. The Light In The Attic, by Shel Silverstein.

"Jake, look. There's your sign." I smiled, tossing him the book.

He smiled back sadly, and flipped the book over and over in his hands, taking in the illustration and the writing on the back. Whenever Jacob and I got too rambunctious, his mother would sit us down and read The Light In The Attic, it always put us to sleep, no matter how badly we fought the exhaustion. It was just Sarah's way of getting us to calm down. This had always been Sarah's book.

She is never going to leave his side, nor her husband's side. Her daughters consume her time as well. She wants nothing more than for them all to be happy, and it looks like now they are. She is beaming, Aribella, she is so ecstatic that you and Jacob are together now.

"She's happy that we're together, Jacob. That's what my mom just told me. She also said that Sarah is never gonna leave your side. That all she ever wanted was for you and your family to be happy."

"What about your mom, Rabbit? Is she with my mom, or is she still alive?"

"I dont know. Ma?" I asked the air, waiting for a reply in my fairy mind.

I am a fairy spirit, my dear. I am here physically in a way, but no longer living. It is hard to explain, but soon you will understand. I am so sorry I could not be there to take care of you, I was much too young, and the Swans were perfectly capable of taking you in. I'm sorry, my child. So sorry.

Tears were streaming down my face by the time she finished her small speech, Jacob pulled me to his chest, and I buried my face in the crook of his neck as he wrapped his arms around my waist. "She is at some weird fairy in-between... But she started apologizing for giving me up, Jake. I'm not mad at her, I could never be mad at her." I said softly between sobs.

"Well, she knows now that there is nothing to apologize for." He sighed, taking me in his arms and walking to the bed. "Lets get some rest, my little Fairy Princess." He chuckles.

"I'm not a princess!" I grumbled.

And then the world faded out as I fell asleep

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