Chapter 6

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“I already told you I was sorry.” I exasperated, “What more do you want?”

Brooklyn slammed through the doors hard enough to send them flying against the brick walls behind them, “Sorry doesn't cover it, Em. You were suppose to wake me up this morning and you left without so much as a knock on my door.”

I sighed for the millionth time in the last five minutes, “As I've already explained, I wanted to get to class early today to finish that essay that was due today and waking you up just slipped my mind-”

Brooklyn turned to me and pointed an accusing finger in my face, “Maybe I wanted to finish my essay too, did you think of that?”

I rolled my eyes, “Brooklyn, you haven't even started the essay.”

Her glare shot daggers at me from beneath a curtain of hair, “That's not the point, Emma. I think the real reason you left so early was because you wanted to spend more time with your new hubby. And what hurts even more is that you chose him over me.”

I grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her gently, “For God's sakes, I didn't choose him over you.”

“You forgot about me!” She shrilled, her face creasing in anger.

“Yeah, because you've never forgotten about me before?” I crossed my arms over my chest in defense, “How about that party we went to last year at your cousin's house? You hooked up with some random guy and left me at your cousin's house over night while you went off with your one night stand. And what about the time we went shopping and you decided to go into a different store while I was in the bathroom. I spent over an hour looking for you, and you're excuse was 'sorry, I just saw this gorgeous shirt and I had to try it on'. What about those all those times when you forgot about me?”

Brooklyn was glaring at me again, she didn't have an answer.

Ryder stepped in between us, “All right, I'm calling this round. Ding, ding. Why don't you both go back to your corners and calm down a bit.”

“Fuck you.” Brooklyn snapped at him, flipping her hair over her shoulder then turning on her heel and heading back to our apartment.

I sighed and sat down on the bench which had been beckoning me since the very beginning of this argument Brooklyn and I had. I really did feel bad about forgetting to wake her, but I had my own problems going on. Why she didn't set an alarm on her phone was beyond me, but it probably would have been a very good idea.

Ryder sat down next to me, leaning back against the back of the bench, “Well...that was entertaining.”

I rolled my neck in slow circles, closing my eyes as the bones cracked and loosened the tense muscles in my shoulder, “For you maybe. I hate it when she's mad at me but...”

When my voice trailed off, Ryder finished my sentence, “But she was being over dramatic.”

“Maybe a little.” I agreed, “But that's one of the things I love about her. No matter how over dramatic she get's, she's always there for me in the end.”

“You guys have been friends for a long time, huh?” He wondered.

I nodded and smiled, “Yeah. Since the day we got paired as bases for cheer leading in sixth grade. We hated each other but through the years we've become closer than sisters. We'll get over this, we always do. She's been beside me through thick and thin, and she was the only person I could count on when everything happened my Senior year-”

“What happened your Senior year?” Ryder seemed to catch the way my voice began shaking when I mentioned my unfortunate last year in high school.

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