Chapter 18

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Kind of a short chapter this week, sorry! But I'm getting ready for the next few chapters because I've got big plans for them. Again sorry, but it's still a pretty good chapter so enjoy :)

P.S. don't forget to 'vote' and comment, and tell your friends about "It's Not Perfect." Thanks a bunch guys


I woke up a very loud beeping sound coming from somewhere near my head. Groggily I tried to sit up but found I was restrained by a tanned arm clad in tattoos. I looked over and found Ryder fast asleep next to me, his hair thrown into his eyes which were closed so peacefully. I smiled at the sight, happy to know that for once Ryder wasn't worrying about anything. He was just dreaming, carelessly. And that's how I wanted it to be, forever.

The same loud beeping began going off again. I searched wildly for my alarm clock to turn it off before it woke Ryder up, but then I realized my alarm clock didn't make this type of beeping noise. And I never set it for weekends so it couldn't possibly be making all the noise I was hearing. Then my eyes landed on the small black cell phone laying on the bed side table, screen flashing as I noted the incoming call. It wasn't my phone though, it was Ryder's. A quick wave of uncertainty washed through me as I wondered if I should answer it. But when a third round of beeping went off and Ryder shifted in his sleep, I quickly grasped for the phone, hitting the green 'answer' button.

"Hello?" I whispered as I climbed out from under Ryder's arm and left the room, quietly closing the door behind me.

"Ryder? Ryder where the hell are you?" Came a woman's worried voice. It took me a minute to realize who it was.

"Anita? This is Emma." I responded quietly.

I heard her sighed impatiently, "Oh. It's you."

My anger flared and I did the only thing I could in that situation. I hung up. Screw her, I hadn't done a single bad thing to her. If anything, I was as nice to her as possible. She had no reason to treat me like this and I refused to let it continue.

The phone began buzzing and beeping again. Though I was irritated, I answered it anyways, "Anita if you think-"

"No, no, no this is Will." A new voice came through the receiver. Relief entered my gut when I realized I wouldn't have to tell Anita off.

"Thank God." I muttered, strolling into the kitchen to start a pot of coffee and get some eggs cooking for whenever Ryder woke up, "What's up Will?"

"Actually I was going to ask you that." Will's voice sounded shaky, "Since you have Ryder's phone I'm going to assume you're with him right? Please tell me you're with him Emma."

"Yes, I'm with him. He's sleeping. Why?"

Will let out a loud sigh of relief then I heard him speaking to someone else that must have been with him, probably Anita and Xavier, "She's with Ryder. He's okay."

I waited while Will discussed something with Anita and Xavier. An entire pot of coffee brewed while I sat there tolerantly. However, eventually I lost my patience and spoke up, "Will? Hello, I'm still here. What's going on?"

"Oh, sorry Emma." Will apologized then cleared his throat, "Well you know how we usually check up on Ryder the day after the fights?"

"Yes." I spoke while pouring myself a steaming cup of coffee.

"Well this morning when we went into his apartment it was empty. There was blood on the ground, a broken book shelf in his room, and we found a knife under his coffee table." Will explained. I realized almost instantly that the knife must have been from the man who took me prisoner last night. He must have dropped it when Ryder began breaking his fingers. And what Will said next filled the rest of the puzzle, "In the past Jose has sent men after Ryder so we assumed that maybe Jose finally got him."

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