Chapter 19

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By the time Wednesday rolled around, my stress level was through the roof. I didn't understand how a simple visit from my parents could cause this much anxiety. Brooklyn and Ryder did everything in their power to help me through the week but it couldn't calm my nerves. Brooklyn had helped me clean the entire apartment, Ryder had restocked our kitchen with food and supplied. They both helped me wash and fold at least five loads of laundry. Our apartment looked brand new, a look it hadn't seen since the day Brooklyn and I moved in.

"Emmalin, breath. Everything is going to be fine!" Brooklyn insisted, rubbing my arms in comfort as we waited patiently at the airport. Ryder had stayed behind to finish some last minute cleaning and preparing. I had full intentions of introducing my parents to him but every time my mind thought about it, new stress rose in my gut. What if they didn't like him? What if they told me I could never see him again? Then Ryder and I would have to sneak around behind their backs like the cliché couples in movies.

The door to the airport opened again as a mass of people quickly retreated from the busy building inside. Almost everyone was gone again and I was beginning to think that maybe we were either too early or too late. But then I saw my parents make their way out of the doors and my heart stopped. For half a second I prayed they wouldn't see me. But as soon as they looked my way, I found myself running towards them.

They dropped all of their bags and opened their arms wide, then embraced me tightly as we hugged. It actually felt really good, I had been worrying all week about this trip but now I couldn't imagine not seeing them for the next three days. I hadn't even realized how much I've missed them until I felt their comforting arms wrapped around my trembling body. How could I ever wish for them not to be here?

"Oh Emma, it's so good to see you." My mom laughed in my ear, kissing my head as my dad did the same thing on my opposite temple. I buried my face in their shoulder's and wondered why we couldn't be the happy family we once were. Wonderful memories swept through my mind; pancakes on Sunday mornings, hunting with my dad during the fall and spring, the sweet smell of my mom's perfume on all of her personal belongings, working in the yard with my dad after the cold winter had finally dispersed. Everything fell back into place, all my scattered thoughts sorted themselves out and I could think clearly for the first time in months.

"It's good to see you guys too." I muttered back to the both of them.

We all pulled away and I took in their site just as they were taking in mine. My mother's golden hair matched my own, in lovely waves that managed to snake down to her shoulder's. She had beautiful blue eyes that held so much love I sometimes wondered how they didn't burst. She was shorter than my just by a few inches but at times she could tower over me as though I were only a few inches tall. My dad had light brown hair and light brown eyes, but he had the same facial structure as I did. We may not look exactly alike but anyone could tell he was my father.

"We've missed you." My dad smiled, kissing my forehead fondly, "How has my baby girl been doing on her own?"

I picked up my mom's bag and Brooklyn retrieved my father's as we started off towards Brooklyn's car. We made small talk for a long time but I was completely intrigued about what my parents were doing back in little old Indiana. They told me about the fields behind our house and how the crops were growing like weeds. They told me about my old friends and how some of them have been stopping by the house regularly to help out with yard work. Even a couple of Duke's friends had stopped by to sincerely apologize for their friend's behavior and help out around the house. It warmed my heart to know that Duke hadn't completely ruined my parents life like he had mine. I was only now beginning to repair myself mentally.

And my parents seemed just as interested in my life as I was in theirs. I told them about my classes and finals which we were only starting to study for. And after a lot of evading I was able to bring up Ryder.

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