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Dave Peterson laid straight in his bed, the atmosphere around him was perpetually filled with silence. The silence was slowly being cut by the sound of the clock ticking. He knew that he had been lazy nowadays. He had been skipping university and work too. He couldn't have his mindset on one particular thing probably because HER last messages never getting passed his mind although it's been 2 years and 4 months ago.. He knew he was feeling vulnerable from inside,and couldn't even stop the feelings which engrossed through his body.

Just then his thoughts got interrupted and he got slightly annoyed by the fact that Tristan(Dave's childhood friend .)had called him this late, dude it's 4 in the morning,he murmured to himself. He then took the urge to pick up the call.

"You could've knocked the door and I would've opened", Dave said in an annoyed tone.

"Too lazy ",laughing hysterically at the very likely sound of his mate.

"what do you want?"

"Where did you keep the cheetos?" He asked hungrily. When Dave didn't answer he hung up the call and went to Dave's room.
He knocked on the door before barging in.

"Umm what happened Bro?",tristan asked in a concerned manner.

"Hey,When did you come in?"

"Seriously? Stop acting like a girl dave!", He asked mimicking his voice in a girly tone.

"Not funny,anyways what brings you here?" Dave asked slightly punching his shoulder.

"Man I was worried about you,like you have been skipping classes and work from past weeks, what's up?"

"I don't feel like it,my mind was hovering here and there from the past few weeks, I'm always up when it's time for university but I don't feel like going outside, it's just annoying."

"Well I don't really know the circumstances you're in but I'm always here,if you want to speak to me about it just know that I'm here for you bro". Tristan said while giving a side manly hug.

"I know you're always there for me and I actually do wanna talk about it,as I'm really confused about what I should do and well it's about Hay-",Dave trailed off as he got cut by tristan.

"Wait a second,this is about that annoying girl right?" he said in a huff.

"Oii she's not annoying!".

"Dude,I thought you got over her. I mean,she dumped you".

"She did not dump me bruh. we were never in a relationship! She just stopped talking as I got pretty possessive towards her and she felt something was fishy, that's why she retreated" Dave said the last part in merely a whisper as he also didn't know why she stopped talking.

"It's okay.Although she did dump you lol but anyways it happened 5 years ago,why are you feeling depressed now?"

"Dude, It happened 2 years and 4  months ago.Anyways,I'm not depressed it's just that these feelings won't go away.The first year without her was ok and I thought I will forget about her but now I just miss those days when she used to talk to me about anything and everything.The way she got annoyed when YOU talked to her and teased her,then later on she'd complain about it.The time when she had a fight with her friend at school and she wouldn't stop complaining. And Whenever I had a fight with someone, then she'd talk to me all maturely and wisely without judging anyone and leaving her childish behaviour behind.Although i didn't pay much attention to her when the first time i talked to her but then as time passed by there wasn't a single day when I didn't talk to her. Tristan, I miss every single thing about her I miss her childish behaviour, I miss how she used to forward her wise statements towards me. I...I..mi...miss Her."his voice almost broke when he told the last part.

Author's Note,

I know its quite short thou but i will put lengthy chapters later.
And yeah I would be glad if there will be any comments and votes in the first chapter,if you have any question do let me know.

I will not be casting anyone because everybody has their own imagination and I can't find anyone to cast according to me so,imagine them yourselves.😁

Thanks to the ones who will be reading my first chapter I'm really glad and thankful..HOPE YOU ENJOYED IT AND THANKS AGAIN.💖💖

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