Chapter 7

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"Hey" Tristan said.

She looked behind her.
"Um hi?" Her words came out as a question.

"How are you?" He said.

"I'm fine"

"Look Michelle do not mind what dave says you know that he's depressed"

"He never understands"

"Look, you have to move on"

"No matter how much I lie to him, I know that I'll always love him"

Tristan's heart was heavy by now.

"Yes, I lied to him that I don't love him anymore but what can I do? Seeing his face everyday makes me think of all the things we did together"

"You know that he don't love you right?" Tristan asked.

"Yes, but he would've if it wasn't for her."

"Don't bring her in all of this mitch. You do remember how badly you behaved with her?"

"Why do you always take her side? We were friends before she came."

"Stop! You know that I take her side because she was like my sister. Yeah I used to annoy her but it was because I loved to do that."

"Stop, okay? If you came here to give me lessons then you may go now."

"Michelle, this attitude of yours is not gonna take you anywhere, you will not be able to achieve anything in life."

"Seriously Mr.Tristan I've had enough of you already. Stop bossing around. You're nothing. You're giving me lessons about achievements and shit. You do remember that Dave helped you through all of your problems? Huh? For Jesus sake, he helped you in having that job."

Tristan's world turned upside down upon hearing these words. The love of his life never did love him and was noe insulting him. He did not had the guts to say anything more.

"Why is that little mouth of yours shut now?"

"Michelle, just forget it."

Saying that he went away.


"The number you are trying to call is currently unavailable please try again later." The operator said for the fifth time.

"God, where is he?" Dave asked himself.

Dave was trying to reach Tristan's phone the whole morning but he did not pick up.

"I hope he is fine and nothing happened. He's my man from like as long as I can remember.''Dave thought.

His thoughts go interrupted by a phone call and he hurriedly picked it up.


"Sir, I'm sorry to interrupt you but could you please come to the address which I'll send you? We found your number on this guy's call log." The guy asked.

"Heck what happened to Tristan? And yes I'm coming right away. Send in the address.

When Dave received the address he went straight to that address.

*15 minutes later*

"What the heck a house?" Dave murmured.

He went inside and rang the doorbell.

The door opened which revealed a Muslim girl.

"Assalamualaikum/hello" the girl said.

"Hello?" It came out as a question.


"I got a call from over here"

"Oh, you must be Dave Peterson. Come inside"

"Thanks" he hurriedly went inside only to be shocked by what he saw next.

"W..what ha..append to h..him?"

"I'm sorry, he met with an accident. My brother is a doctor so he brought him here. The ambulance is going to come soon. We found your number on his phone so we thought to call."

"Shit shit shit. I'm not going to leave the person who did this to him."
Dave cursed under his breath.


"Hayaat, you're so stubborn" khaltoum said

"I'm not" Hayaat's voice came out a little muffled as she was under two layer of blankets.

"Yeah right,We have to go to the doctor"

"No, we..........."

To be continued.....



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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2017 ⏰

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