Chapter Three

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He walked lazily towards the university,the chirping of the birds reached his ear,the wind struck through him,the sound of the water which gushed out from the fountain made him feel relieved.After so many days,while inhaling the fresh air he felt pleased. He walked slowly towards the uni while living upto his own thoughts,he thought of how they started talking and later on told his friends to join the community too.



Dave was surfing through Internet when his eyes caught something on Facebook it was a page for "Animals Fund Raising Community" and as he loved animals he thought he should give it a try and he started following the page,the admin of the page was someone named HAYAAT AKMAL. It seemed like a new page and the admin had posted a lot of stuff about animals and there was a website for the donations. He quickly donated a 100$ on the website and afterwards God knows what happened to him he sent a friend request to the admin.

After an hour his phone buzzed and he hurriedly picked it up and sighed because he thought it was a message in the group chat. He opened his phone and saw a message along with a friend request approval. He wondered who he sent the friend request to. When he checked his inbox it was a message from "Hayaat Akmal".

Hayaat: Omg! thank you so much for such a big amount,nobody gave that much yet.Thank you! 😁.

Dave thought to himself that it was just 100 dollars.

Dave: Welcome.Although it's not a big deal, it's just 100$.

Hayaat : Ohh u gave it in dollars,well if you'll convert 100$ into AED you will get 300 something in UAE Currency. I don't remember the actual amount but it was above 350.

Dave : Ohh okay so that means you're a Muslim?

Hayaat : Is there any problem with that?😑

Dave : Nooo,I didn't mean it that way like as you mentioned before that "it will convert to UAE currency" then u sure are living in United Arab Emirates and that also means you are a Muslim. And my dad lives there that's why I asked I wasn't judging you.

Hayaat : Oh okay sorry my bad ☺ anyways thanks for the donation.

Dave : Pleasure is all mine.

*Present Day*

He was brought back to reality when he felt a soft touch on his shoulder,he felt anxious and flinched his shoulder.

"Umm...s..sorry..dave" Michelle said that in merely a whisper.

"What do you want?" Dave said grumpily.

"Please..e..don' angry,I..i just want the notes that I lent to Tristan last week" She took the courage to speak confidently.

"Then ask him for your notes!".

"But he said take it from you".

"ENOUGH OK! I don't remember him giving notes to me,they maybe at home" He said angrily.

"Why are you shouting at me?" She said close to bursting into tears.

"Enough with the sweet act ok" he said sternly.

"I'm not acting,he told me that you have my notes that's it why are you a making a big deal out of it?" Michelle said while a tear escaped from her eyes.

"I'm making a deal out of it? You have the guts to talk to me even after what you did in the past?" He looked away from her not even caring if she was crying. She should be punished after what she did. Because it was half of Michelle's mistake that hayaat went away from him. Although she showed that she didn't care and it didn't matter to her but he could sense it that she felt uncomfortable. He could feel her uneasiness even through the messages she sent.He wanted to tell her that its not what it seems like but she went offline saying 'it's okay lol.'

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