Chapter Two

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"Aunty, Can hayaat have a sleepover at my house please?",khaltoum asked while stretching the 'e' in please.

"Yes mom,can I?I swear I'll be back by tomorrow afternoon" Hayaat asked pleadingly. Although she knew her mother will allow but she just loved asking and taking her parents permission.

"Girls,when did I say No?"Her mom replied with a smirk on either side of her lips.

The girls beamed with joy and started thanking Hayaat's Mom.

"But first go and pray or else you both will forget it after reaching Khaltoum's house,and also meet your dad before going he's in his study room and say my greetings to Halima".

The girls nodded with joy and got out from the kitchen.

Hayaat was so excited about this sleepover because recently khaltoum went to Istanbul for a trip and they didn't talk like for a week,they did chat via WhatsApp or Instagram but it wasn't enough and she desperately wanted to have sometime with her bestie,first they prayed and then went to meet Hayaat's Dad and now finally they got in the car.

"Oh you don't know how much I missed you! " khaltoum said in a dramatic tone.

"Not more than me, I actually missed you more" mimicking her voice like that of Khaltoum's.

"Haha very funny but really ya qilbi (my heart) I desperately missed you as we never left each other before" She cried her heart out.

"Ok ok khaltoumay don't be so sentimental" She said whilst patting Khaltoum's  back with her right hand and arranging her left hand on the steering wheel.

Hayaat has got her driving licence last year and she was really happy about it,she also drove her dad to his office one day and he was really amused by her driving skills. They stopped in front of Khaltoum's house which was a two story villa with 8 bedrooms,4 in each floor,a big hallway with nothing except for the frames of verses of      Quran,Ahadeeth and also Al-Asma-Was-Siffat (Allah Names) and Makkah pictures then the long staircase,a living room,a huge kitchen ,a separate dinning room and a Backyard along with swimming pool.

Hayaat parked the car and they headed towards the door,although they could just get in but hayaat wanted to surprise Aunty Halima because she adored hayaat very much. They rang the doorbell and Aunty Halima opened the door.

"Assalamualaikum Aunty Halima,How are you?" Hayaat asked her cheerfully whilst Khaltoum already went it after saying her salaam.

"I'm good Alhamdullilah (Praise to Allah). How are you?" Khaltoum's Mom asked while hugging her.

"Alhamdullilah,I'm great!"

"Now are you going to stay at the door all night? Come inside"

"Haha yeah sure" Hayaat said with a smile.

When she came in she gave her salaam to Khaltoum's family and then went to Khaltoum's room,not identifying Khaltoum's room is just a lame thought because her room can be identified even if you are outside the house. Khaltoum decorated her room in almost all shades of purple as she had the biggest room in the house nothing could stop her from decorating it.The walls were painted in both white and purple,the floor had purple fluffy carpet,a round shaped bed was placed in the middle with purple sheets and a lot of purple cushions and light purple curtains were on the wall that was behind the bed,the balcony was on the right to that of bed and it showed the scenery of their Backyard along with the pool,the balcony had a glass table with a beautiful vase placed on it along with a pair of chairs in the shades of purple along with white,there was a closet room on the left side of the bed and a rest room along the sides,the dressing table was placed inside the closet room.There was a rack which was full of teddy bears and a table which had Khaltoum's laptop and phone placed on it very neatly.

Hayaat came into the room and sat on the bed next to khaltoum and then removed her scarf which showed her light brown hair of waist length.

"So what do you wanna do first?" Khaltoum asked

"Lol I don't know.We were eagerly waiting to have this sleepover and now we don't even know what to do,umm how about we make brownies?" Hayaat replied while laughing loudly.

"Cool but we'll make that before midnight so that we can have it while watching a horror movie" Khaltoum said hungrily as she just loves food with all her might.

"Ok,so what do we do before that?"

"What else?I'm going to show you all the pictures that we took in Istanbul and then the big surprise" She said while wiggling her eyebrows.

Khaltoum just adored giving everyone surprises and when it comes to her best friend she just can't stop it and ends up buying literally everything.

"First the big surprise you know I can't wait if there's a surprise,can I see it now?? please pretty please" Hayaat said while making a puppy face.

"Come on already can't you wait for like 1 hour?" Khaltoum said in disappointment.

"Okayyy I will wait FOR AN HOUR,and anyways I have more patience than you Miss Khaltoum" She said while winking.

"Yeah yeah whatever"

For the next hour they talked about all the things and about Khaltoum's trip and she showed all the pictures she had taken and then finally one hour which felt like forever to hayaat came to an end,she shushed khaltoum and asked her about the present.

"Ok fine I'll give it to you" khaltoum said while she went out of the room, and then she came after whole five minutes.

Hayaat waited for khaltoum impatiently and when she came back she hid the gift behind her.

"Come on give it to me already" She said pleadingly.

"Ok here,although I wanted to give it to you on your birthday but it's really far right now."

As Hayaat saw the box in Khaltoum's hand she got confused at the packaging because it had holes in it,and when she took the box she gasped as she realized what was in it.

"Is this what I think it is?" She asked with full excitement.

"Why don't you check it yourself" She said while winking at hayaat.

When Hayaat opened the box she saw a little white kitten with ocean blue eyes laying in the corner of the blanket which was placed inside the box and she hurriedly took it out and cuddled it and the kitten made itself comfortable on Hayaat's shoulder.

"OH MY LORD Thank you so much khaltoumay,this is the best pre- birthday present I've ever received!" Hayaat said while hugging khaltoum very tightly.

"Aww welcome but you don't need to thank me" She said while they were still hugging each other.

"Well what are you going to name her?" khaltoum asked while sitting on the bed.

"I was thinking if I'll have another cat I'll name it furball.

"Aww that's such a cute name!"

The night went by pretty good.Firstly, they made brownies but Aunty Halima told them not to bring the kitty in the kitchen.Afterwards they watched a movie and slept in the middle of the movie.


Author's Note:

Ok now this is a lengthy chapter I guess because it took me a lot of time to write it anyways enjoy reading the chapter and don't forget to vote and comment.❤❤

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