Punk Kids Smoke(don't)

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After School

Josh sat patiently on the locker room bench, chewing nervously on his bottom lip. He had his day shirt folded neatly in his lap, while softly tugging on the collar of his band shirt. He was waiting even so patiently for Tyler to get out the shower. They were the only ones in the locker room which is always open to the basketball players after practice, Tyler went to basketball practice today while Josh only participated in half of band practice. He spent the second half giggling with his buds. The locker room was silent allowing you to only hear the sound of the water hitting the ground.

The band teacher was hesitant about letting Tyler skip band practice for basketball, but he is the star player. Even though Tyler hates to admit it he is a great player, that tends to do better then most. The sound of the water slamming against the floor and Josh's rapid heart beat was always off putting. Josh was extremely anxious, shaking his leg nervously. The smell of cigarettes were obviously in his shirt and even his hair. He reeked of cigs and a bit of alcohol.

He twisted his fingers in between his locks which made the smell seep deeper into his nails. Becoming restless the punk kid picked at his black nail polish and tapped his foot causally.

Now Josh doesn't smoke or anything, but his friends do. The punk kid watched his buds smoke and chug down beers behind the gym. Somehow the smells managed to get under his finger nails and into his clothes. And the smell made it way into Josh's day shirt as well. Misfortunately only one shower stall worked and Tyler was currently using it, all he needed to do was take a quick shower. And pray to God his mom doesn't smell anything.

"T-Tyler." Josh whined, hoping he would hear him and cut his shower short. A couple seconds pass before the sound of the water stopping alerted Josh, the door slowly open to reveal Tyler with a towel wrapped over his waist. He displayed a look of pure confusion looking back at the shower head. Small droplets dripped from his hair and onto the floor below him, he was obviously still wet.

"The water stop." He explained, pointing to the shampoo still in his hair. It's took a moment before Josh's face fall, he let out a groan of frustration shoving his hands in his face.
              "Bummer." He scowled.

Tyler cocked an eyebrow, wondering over to the sink and started rinsing his hair out. Tyler had no idea about Josh's little problem, he saw Josh after practice and they mentioned how they both needed to take a shower. He didn't really notice anything odd yet he could tell Josh was stressing over something. He began to realize him and Josh can read each other like a book.  They're friendship was quite different from his other friends.

          Tyler finished up reaching to turn off the faucet, the light taps and grumbles coming from Josh gave Tyler a knot in his stomach. He asked softly.

"What wrong??" holding on to his towel tightly. Tilting his head a bit to the right.

Josh ignored Tyler's question, lifting up his shirt to see if he could smell anything. The smell was definitely there, this sent Josh into a petrified state. Josh could feel Tyler's stare, he was standing over by the sink with a concern look plastered on his face.

"It's nothing I'm fine, get dress. Okay." Josh mumbling tapping on the bench rapidly.
Tyler shrugged it off and walked over to his locker, he knew Josh wasn't fine it was obvious. He chewed on the side of his cheek a bit as he threw on a fresh pair of boxers. He wasn't too nervous about getting dressed around him, considering they have the same junk and Josh seem extremely distracted.

Yet he did feel Josh look as soon as he dropped his towel. But he couldn't blame him, Tyler would have done the same, out of curiosity of course. It was a swift glance though.

"Tyler can you do me a favor, um well I don't know if you'll consider it a favor." Josh asked with the sound your voice makes when you're holding back tears.

"Yeah sure, what is it though?" Tyler replied pulling his shirt on over his head.

"Can I sleep over at your house tonight, because um.. my friends were smoking and it got into my clothes." He began barely managing to choke it all out. He wanted to explain the best way he knew how.

"My mom would kill me if I came home smelling like cigs." He added. Giving Tyler a pitiful look.

Tyler paused for a moment analyzing the situation and trying to fit everything together. He placed one hand on his hip and pondered. Of course he wanted to help Josh out and the more he mentioned it, Tyler could smell the cigarettes. Also it would be a lie to say that Tyler didn't fantasize about Josh sleep over.

"Well um, yeah you can. I don't think my mom would care." Tyler told him pulling his jeans out of his locker.

"Are your parents gonna be home?" He asked quickly.

Tyler cocked an eyebrow, turning back over the punk kid.

"Noo, my mom gonna pick me up and go to work, and my dad is already at work." He explained.

"Alright." Josh muttered as he continued to sit patiently as Tyler got dress. He swiftly message his mom about his plans eager to get away with it all.

Josh grabbed his trumpet and backpack while Tyler laced up his shoes, the boys jogged to the front of the school and sat in the grass. Teachers and students strolled by all busy with their lives. Once the green SUV pulled up Tyler rushed over to his mom and briefly explain the Josh sleeping over thing. He milked the whole "I don't usually hang out with my friends. You know this is important." Thing.

Tyler wasn't popular, everyone did know him and try to insert him into their little lives. Yet Tyler was way to distant to become one of those stereotypic douches with the monster sized egos. He much rather get school over with and return home.

Mrs Joseph looked over at Josh who she had her doubts about. He flashed her with a little smile and waved. It resulted in her letting out a nodded of approval. The two exchanged excited glances before hopping into back seat situating their trumpet cases and backpack.

The car ride was pleasant until Mrs Joseph noticed the smell, she definitely smelt cigarettes which sent her into a alerted state. She looked at the boys from the rear view mirror. She couldn't tell whether it was her son or his friend, she briefly watched them giggle and whisper to each. She knew for a fact if it was Tyler he would eventually snitch on himself. So she dropped it.

"So what did you do while Tyler was in basketball practice, Josh?" Mrs Joseph asked testing the punk kid.

Josh looked up swiftly cupping his hands in his lap. Changing his tone completely, he talked way more clear and studious around adults. Like teachers and parents. While around friends he tended to stutter more and repeat himself, sometimes even swearing.

"I was in band practice." He explained with a monotone voice.

"Oh well isn't nice, Tyler tells me you can play the drum. Is that right sweetheart." She asked stopping at a red light.

Josh looked over at Tyler and gave him a shy smile. He was caught off guard, surprised that Tyler talks about him to his mom. Because he definitely does that same.

"Yeah I do."

"Oh, you and Tyler should make a song or something, have you heard Tyler sing before. He can sing like an angel." Mrs Joseph bragged.

Tyler scoffed, feeling his cheeks get hot. He looked down in his lap.

Josh gasped for dramatic effect.
"I had no idea that Tyler sings!?" He expressed looking at Tyler with a dorky smile on his face.

             "You should sing me a song sometime." He joked.

Tyler laughed playfully nudging josh in the rib. Grinning from ear to ear.

"You'd like that, wouldn't you." He whispered.

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