Forgive the Undun

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          He's a whore! Those are some of things rushing through Tyler's head in science class. He was sulking at the sight of Brendon twisting his fingers in between his hair. He was reading from the text, the class was learning about reproduction. And Brendon would occasionally looking at Josh in between sexual words.

Tyler grew angrier every time, since Josh would smile or looking at his desk bashfully. No one was noticing, no one but Tyler. Once Brendon finished up the class was placed into groups, and Tyler was shoved into a group with two girls and the devil himself. Brendon.

"Number 21, right?" Brendon chirped in between moving seats. The tone in Brendon's voice was snarky yet still charming. He was patiently waiting for a response, looking at Tyler's scowl as if it was a smile.

"Yes." Tyler responded coldly before placing his things on the desk beside one of the girls. Brendon was obviously confused yet he easily sparked conversation with the other group mates, while Tyler barely spoke.

"What do you think, Tyler??" One of the girls asked, bubbly from the pleasant conversation the rest of the group was having. Ha who knew Brendon could make the textbook definition of sex sound so interesting. He nearly had both of those girls on his lap, while making heart eyes at a group across the class.

Tyler remained quiet he hesitated, but Brendon spoke first.

"You and Josh are gonna perform at the game tomorrow right?"

Brendon was on the football team and enjoyed using it against his peers. Of course Tyler and Josh were going to perform, but Brendon wanting to hear Tyler say it. Well this is what Tyler was thinking..

Before Tyler would replied in anyway the bell rang abruptly. That was Tyler's cue to cling to Josh and pray that he wouldn't mention the slut. But Josh had all of his attention on Brendon before the bell even rang, Josh approached Brendon, displayed a quirky smile as he rambled. Brendon smiled back finding Josh's nervousness cute in a way.

Tyler just felt unnecessary standing there watching Josh drool all over him like that. So he slowly walked out, still clinging on to any form of hope. He was hoping that Josh would run to him and smother him in affection, forgetting the whore from science class. Yet he didn't.
Tyler briefly stood outside the class for a moment, collecting himself before heading to the music room for band practice. His stomach was in knots and felt like lava, yet he bared it all the way down the hall and ignore the voices telling him to do something. Any thing. Tyler definitely believed in love, yet he didn't believe love was a thing for him. So Josh being underneath Brendon's spell didn't hit him that hard.

The band room was quiet since everyone was still talking outside, Tyler strolled in and put his trumpet case down beside Josh's chair. The bell took its time ringing but when it did the room filled with band geeks and that one special punk kid. He was glowing, smiling from ear to ear. Once he sat down in the small plastic chair he noticed Tyler fully for the first time since this morning.

"Hey Joseph." Josh called getting his trumpet out.

"I really need to talk to you after- um school." Tyler spewed out. He was trembling. If Josh didn't know how he made Tyler feel now it might not ever happen. Tyler really didn't know how Josh made him feel but he liked it. It felt good.

"Ha, what you proposing or something." Josh joked.

     "Ha ha, not exactly.." Tyler replied, his hands were shaking and his voice weak.
          "But I do really need to tell-"

      "No!- um.. actually noo. Scratch that actually, it's not important."

        This was followed by a awkward laugh and utter silence, Josh was obviously confused yet didn't seem like he was up for another Tyler interrogation. So he nodded and turned his direction towards the front, where the teacher began his lesson.

           The two didn't talk after that. Misfortunately.

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