Fuck Duns

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Joseph House

(Maddi is the youngest siblings in this, around 8.)

Tyler watched as his mom pulled out the driveway and drive down the street, from the comfort of his kitchen window. The sound of Zack enter the kitchen which was closest to the front door, alerted Tyler. He swiftly turned his head towards his brother, he was dressed up in formal attire and was obviously nervous.

          "I gotta go, I'm late for Beth's dance recital." He barked out towards Tyler, pulling the door open roughly as he rushed out.

         This left Tyler, Maddi, and Josh, which made Josh's sleepover more like babysitting. Jay was busy at a friends house while Maddi was dancing to her favorite show in the living room, she wasn't as shy as Tyler of course. When Josh and him walked in she rambled to them about superheroes and Josh's T-shirt.

           Josh was scrubbing himself clean in the shower taking the longest one he's ever taken. A low beep echoed through the house, hitting every wall.

         "Your clothes are done, Tylerr!!" Maddi shouted from the couch.

         Josh's shirts and pants were definitely gonna smell like the Joseph's favorite laundry detergent by the end of the day. Tyler hustled over to his laundry room and began to shovel Josh's clothes into the dryer.

             Maddis giggles got louder and louder once Tyler was finished he strolled out the
room. He saw Josh and Maddi sitting in the living room, Maddi was sing the theme song of a show while Josh sat crisscross on the floor.

         He was wearing his jacket he let Tyler wear and some gym shorts Tyler let him borrow, all heads turns once Tyler walked in. Josh flashed him a smile, Tyler's face lit up the smile gave him a warm fuzzy feeling in his chest.

Maddi swiftly shoved a crayon and paper into Josh's face, giving him a serious look.

"Write your name, we're gonna play
secret agents!" She ordered, using her serious voice.

Josh took a long pause before accepting the paper and crayon, him and Tyler exchange goofy expressions as Tyler plopped down beside him. Josh simply scribbled "Josh Dun" on the page and handed it over the youngest Joseph.

She squinted at the page for a bit before looking over at Josh with a suspicious look. She pursed her lips folding her arms in the process.

"You spelt it wrong." She snapped
handing back the paper.

Josh grew a grin across his face looking over at Tyler.

"That's how he spells it, Maddi." Tyler explained trying to give a good example.

Maddi obviously didn't buy it, but she went with it anyway. She honestly just wanted to play secret agents with her brothers band mate. The three of them rushed around the house doing barrel rolls and summersaults.

"T-Tyler the mission needs to be a-aborted!!" Josh would yell from behind the couch.

"We need back up!!" Maddi would scream running through the hallway with her sunglasses on.

While Tyler hid inside the guest closet, with the door opened just a bit. Tyler sat there running his hands through his hair already breathing heavily. The sounds of foots steps made him shift a bit, taking a few peaks from the door. Josh rushed in, he was out of breath as well.

"She just chased a bad guy into your backyard." Josh spewed out taking a seat beside Tyler.

Tyler let out a dorkish laugh leaning back against the wall, small beams of light peaked into the closet. But the rest was pitch black.

"Man, I remember being in here." Josh joked giving Tyler a nudge in the ribs.

Tyler paused not getting the punk kids joke, he immediately grew a smirk once it hit.

"W-wait, did I give you a shirt to wear, or did you just zipped up the jacket??" Tyler asked pointing out Josh's outfit.

"Oh no, I just zipped it, see." He replied unzipped the jacket a bite, showing his bare chest.

Tyler shallowed hard, looking down into his lap, as soon as possible. Wanting to avoid that hot feeling he would get in his cheeks. The feeling Josh gave Tyler was honestly powerful, he would become weak. In his knees, arms, feet, and he would feel a rush in his chest.

"Um.. Tyler can I ask you a question?" Josh asked looking out of the closet door.

Tyler's head shot up immediately.

"Yeah of course." Tyler managed to choke out. A bit nervous over the sudden mood change.

Josh took a moment before speaking. He struggled to get the words out obviously getting flustered. Talking small pauses to get himself together.

"You know Brendon from science, right??"

Tyler nodded, a bit unsure about where this was going. He twisted his finger around his rubber band become anxious.

"Do you think he likes me, b-because I've heard rumors and stuff." Josh added.

Tyler was completely set back, he twitched a bit. Feeling a mixture of feelings at the very moment. He was nervous Maddi would come back inside and discover the two in the closet with Josh's jacket zipped down, showing his chest.

       He was also nervous about Josh's questions, completely unsure of it all. And then an odd feeling Tyler rarely feels came over him, it was jealousy. He was bumbling up inside over the name, "Brendon" the way Josh asked the question showed he was interested. Tyler began to think Josh obviously was in love with this slut from his science class, some washed up guy that fucks for fun.

Tyler looked at Josh and gave him a indescribable look. He pursed his lips only looking at Josh's mouth too nervous to look into his eyes. Tyler forced himself to give a slowly nod, not wanting to disappoint Josh in anyway.

In Tyler's mind all he wanted to do was impress the punk kid and if it took being cooler then Brendon he would do it.

"Really, you really think so?!" Josh asked with a smile plastered on his face.

Tyler wanted to vomit, he felt sick to his stomach and he couldn't properly understand why. Biting his tongue as he dug his nails into his thighs. He felt repulsed by the cheerful smile on Josh's face for once in his life. It was honestly all so petrifying.

Why is he doing this to me!?

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