Here Lays Tyler

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Tyler Joseph repeatedly told himself to shake off the blood boiling feeling that has filled his trembling body. Yet every time Josh would zone out Tyler knew what he was thinking, every moment Josh would randomly smile, OH Tyler knew why.

Tyler's scowl remained on his face for the rest of the night, but Maddi and Josh were too busy in their own imaginations to notice. Tyler rubbed his hands against his blankets on the floor, growing angrier each second. He was making a sleeping area below his bed for himself, only thinking it's appropriate to allow his guest to have his bed. Jay and Zack haven't returned, but Mr and Mrs Joseph did.

         They clocked out early and spent their night with Maddi getting her ready for bed and such. Tyler and Josh could stay up as long as the two wanted too. But Tyler wanted to sleep as soon as possible, he hated the feeling Brendon gave Josh. He stomped down the hall and into the living room, where Josh was. He was texting on his phone with a sly smile plastered on his face.

            Tyler clicked his tongue, leaning on the arch way. Arms crossed and eyes hanging low. Josh was submerged in his cell phone and barely noticed Tyler's presence.

              "I'm going to bed." Tyler choked out, cutting back on his aggressiveness.

       Josh looked up with a shocked look, he swiftly closed his phone and sat up from the couch.

       "It's barely 9:00, really? I-I thought we would do something fun." Josh expressed.

       Tyler rolled his eyes giving the punk kid a slowly head shake before walking back into his room, without another word. Josh definitely felt the tension, he hated it. Stumbling close behind.

          "Did I do something wrong, b-because if I did I'm sorry." Josh asked entering the bedroom.

       Tyler froze biting his tongue in the process, the sluggish feeling mixed with Josh's honest to God sadness over a situation Tyler was blowing out of proportion. It all caused him great discomfort, he knew Josh did nothing wrong, well Josh couldn't help the fact that he was falling for a fast paced slut. The kid was apologizing for a "crime" he didn't never know he committed, for crying out loud JOSH DUN IS A SAINT!

             And Tyler couldn't bring himself to crush his heart over a bit of jealousy, so he didn't.

       "I'm just reallly tired, school can get pretty draining." Tyler lied forcing a hearty smile.

        "Oh thank God, I thought you were mad at me or something." Josh replied letting out a gasp of relief. The punk kid hopped into the queen sized bed and began removing his gym shorts. The usual silence filled the room, yet it began to become normal and down right comforting. Tyler sat still at the bottom of his bed exchanging glances with Josh.

"Soo, I guess we'll be going to bed.." Josh muttered breaking the silences.

Tyler let out a faint "yeah" before positioning himself into a more comfortable form. Josh swiftly got up and cracked the door slightly, considering the rest of the Joseph's were awake. The teenage wanted to keep to hall light from seeping in, he sprung over the light switch and promptly turned it off. Darkness shifted through the room, Josh paused for a bit trying to allow his eyes to adjust.
Tyler began to feel like a wad of gum stuck in someone's hair, he was killing any buzz that was possibly there. What teenagers go to sleep at 9:37pm?? Well some do, yet that's not the point.

"Josh." Tyler hissed, weakly. Trying his hardest to come up with a fun event for him and this punk kid.

"Yes." Josh answered faintly from the bed, the two were whispering as if they were scared to be heard.

"Um, let's play a game or something." Tyler spewed out, cringing once the word "game" left his mouth.

Josh sat up leaning over the edge of the bed, getting a good look at Tyler.

"Definitely, what game?"

Tyler paused, biting his lip slightly.

"True or dare?" Tyler stated but in the tone that most ask questions in. His skin began to feel funky and his mood was confused with itself. He could feels Josh's warm stare and hated it, Josh made him feel fuzzy.

"Okay, um true or dare?" Josh asked.

"Dare." Tyler replied nervously.

Josh paused before beginning.

"Okay I dare you to tell me what's really pissing you off." Josh expressed displaying a concern look on his soft face, he peaked off the edge of bed bracing for some sort of response.

Tyler shallowed hard reframing from giving Josh the real reason, so he quickly came up with a fake one. He bit his lip slightly and shutting his tired eyes.

"Sports and the whole marching band thing can just get a little overwhelming, yeah know."

Those words gave Josh a bad taste in his mouth, he blinked a bit fluttering his eyelashes swiftly. Josh knew when Tyler was lying he could hear it in his voice. Josh knew Tyler could swim, or that Tyler didn't like heavy metal. And he definitely knew Tyler could manage sports and music. But the punk kid hated pushing things and reaching for more, so he stopped himself from asking and touching on the subjects.

Oh and he regretted it.

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