Chapter 1

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Halloween was always a fun season, ever since you were younger. I mean, back then it was socially acceptable to go out and trick or treat in a costume. Now people think its more fun to go to parties and drink.

You laid down on your couch in the living room. It was a pretty comfy couch you had to admit, you had many a nap on this couch. You could almost fall asleep...


Your phone went off signaling that you received a text. You picked up your phone from next to you on the couch and opened it up.

Heyyyy (Y/N)! You still coming to the party tonight??

You sighed, one of your friends had been trying to convince you for weeks to go to a big party going down in the old Myers house. You knew it was bad news, no one should be in that house, especially after what happened...

Come onnnn I know you read the text! Just do it! 

We can come pick you up if you need us to

(F/N) you know that I don't like that house...

Oh come on I'm in the house right now its fiiiine


You're not serious right?


Come on everyone is here!

Fine, I'll walk over...

Yay! You won't regret this! 

You sighed, You had such a bad feeling about this, but you couldn't leave your friends there undefended...

You grudgingly got up off the couch and pulled on your coat and shoes. 

You left your house and locked the door behind you, pulling on the nob to make sure it locked and started walking over to the Myers house.

This was going to end badly, you knew it.

Michael Myers X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now