Chapter 6

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Michael stood in your doorway.

You were frozen in shock, he was wearing the same clothes he wore the night of the party, which were still covered in their stains. Close up you realized it was blood.

You backed away from the door never letting your eyes move away from his mask.

You cant believe he's here, what is he doing here, why is he back!

You continued backing away from the door with your mouth open in horror. Michael stepped forward and entered your house closing the door behind him.

"W-what d-do you w-want?" 

You were nervous. Very nervous. He just stared blankly. You wanted to run, but you were frozen. He took a step closer; you took a step back. He stopped and tilted his head. He didn't understand why you were afraid. In his eyes, he had done nothing wrong.

"What do you want?"

You said firmly. He held out a ripped piece of paper. You took it cautiously. It simply said:


The letters were messy as if it was written by a toddler. 

"Hi?" you answered back. He nodded his head in approval.

"Is... is that all? I'm confused... Why aren't you stabbing me?"

He shook his head, as almost to say that was crazy. It was your turn to tilt your head in confusion. Why didn't he want to murder you? 

The doorbell rang, echoing through the house.

"(Y/N)? (Y/N) it's me, let me in."

You quickly looked up to Michael to see what his reaction was, he looked from you to the door and then back to you. He seemed to look at you like he was trying to tell you something, and then he quickly looked away and walked towards the back door in my house.

You didn't even stop to question how he knew about the back door. 

You heard the back door slam shut and it knocked you out of your trance, you quickly attempted to regain yourself and you opened the door to reveal (F/N) standing there slightly annoyed. 

"What took you so long sleepy head?" they asked.

You couldn't seem to shake the effect Michael had on you. 

"Uhm... I-I slept in late..."

"Oh, okay. If you say so," they said suspiciously.

You led them over to your couch and sat them down.

"I know this is going to sound... insane but," you took a deep breath, "Everyone at that party was..." you paused "M-m-m," 



You covered your mouth. Oops.

You hoped to god that Michael wasn't around to hear you yell that.

(F/N) looked at you with their mouth wide open staring at you, "What?" their voice was so weak and quiet.

You looked at the ground quickly, "You heard me, I know you did."

"Yeah, I did, but I'm having trouble believing what I heard."

You sighed deeply and looked over at them, "The night of the party when I came over you were so drunk that you could barely keep yourself standing. I wanted you to leave with me but you refused and so I decided to take you upstairs instead so that you could lay down for a bit and clear your head."

You bit your lip, and looked back at them, "All of the party noises stopped downstairs, and I decided that I was going to take you home passed out or not. So I dragged you out of the room and I almost made it to the stairs when he came out of one of the rooms with a large kitchen knife and blood stains on his clothes." You started to cry, "I-I thought that he was going to kill us, I kept him at a distance with a piece of wood that I pulled from the wall and I-"

You stopped talking when (F/N) leaned in and gave you a big hug, tears streaming down their face too.

"Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"I didn't want you to worry, I thought that if I kept it from you, you could be safe." You said sobbing.

"Hey, hey it's okay I'm here now, you can tell me anything."

You looked up into their eyes, "Then there's one more thing you should know..."

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