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I didn't know how long I stared before I opened my mouth to say hello. The three boys still didn't speak and I only felt more and more foolish for interrupting what had probably been a private conversation. I shut my eyes briefly to hide my irrational disappointment before looking back up at them.

"I'm very sorry for intruding. Just wanted to say hello," I said, plastering a fake smile on my face as I turned to leave but a voice stopped me. A voice with a lilting, almost musical tone and as I turned, I realized it was Alexei who had spoken, his eyes vaguely focused on where I stood. He had a small smile playing across his lips as he opened his mouth to speak.

"Aphrodite darling, the most serious conversation we've ever had is whether or not to attend school. You're more than welcome to join us," he said, and I flushed as I realized he remembered me from just my voice. The way my full name rolled of his tongue made me shiver. I'd never known anyone who said it as easily as he did, like it wasn't odd in anyway.

"You can call me Roe if you'd like," I said and Mikhail sent me a heartwarming smile. I was about to say more, get to know them better when loud noises echoed from the house. In what seemed like an instant, Ivan was off the ground and in front of all of us, facing the house with a straight face that no doubt hid a storm underneath. I couldn't help but admire the sheer rapidity of that movement, and how quickly he'd risen to no doubt protect Mikhail and Alexei from goodness knows what.

"Relax Ivan," said Mikhail, as he placed a hand on Ivan's shoulder. He breathed out, the tenseness disappearing, although not completely. I noticed then the fear and discomfort of all three boys as they glanced towards the house, although Alexei hid it well by glancing at me with a reassuring smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. How many times had I feared my own home, had feared what horrible news would await me inside? How many times had I wished I had somewhere else to go? It wouldn't even be humane of me if I left these boys to re enter the house after what I'd just seen.

"Would you three like to stay at my house tonight," I asked, completely unsure as to how they would react. To my surprise, it was Ivan who's head snapped up first, his brow creasing. It was the first time he'd acknowledged my presence since I'd come here and I half expected him to tell me to leave so he could deal with his own problems.

But instead, that confusion in his eyes morphed into surprise that he quickly concealed, his head cocking to the side like he was trying to understand me. He was so still that I almost jumped when he spoke, his low voice barely audible.

"I won't forget this favor," he vowed, the intensity of his eyes threatening to consume me as he hopped over the fence with ease before helping Alexei over. Mikhail and Alexei chorused their own thank you but they seemed more in awe at Ivan. I realized then that Ivan didn't talk much, but he had in front of me in a matter of seconds.

I kept that thought in mind and left a small smile stay on my face as I led them into my house.

The house seemed warmer and brighter than it had been in years when all three boys sprawled out on my couch as I put another log in the fireplace and turned up the heat. I then proceeded to to make tea to settle my nerves at having not one, but three beautiful boys in my house. I was still a girl after all, and these kinds of things didn't happen on a daily basis, at least not to me.

I hummed one of my favorite tunes as I felt through the cupboard for tea bags before I felt a presence behind me, not standing too close but still there in my kitchen. I turned and offered Mikhail a smile and he smiled back before taking the tea bags and cups from my hands.

"It's the least I could do, after what you just did, " he said as he planted the cups on the counter and proceeded to make tea. I was about to help but he shooed me away, telling me to go back to the living room to take care of his 'mad hooligans.' I laughed at that went back into the living room to where Ivan sat on the large couch and Alexei walked around the room, presumably trying to memorize the layout so he wouldn't accidently trip over anything. He somehow detected that I'd entered the room and glanced towards the armchair in which I placed myself.

"Was that Blue Danube you were just humming in the kitchen," he asked.

"Yes, do you know the piece," I asked and he gave me a smile tinged with sadness that disappeared so quickly I thought I'd imagined it.

"Of course. Who wouldn't?" he asked and Ivan coughed twice to show that he had no clue what Alexei was talking about. Alexei rolled his eyes as he planted himself on the couch with Ivan before putting his legs up on Ivan's lap.

"Well of course you don't. You have absolutely no taste for anything but that gym equipment you cling to," said Alexei and Ivan scowled before pushing Alexei off the couch with the smallest shove. I couldn't help but laugh out loud as Alexei groaned and cursed before slowly standing up. Ivan eyes were fixed on me though, and there was that odd look again, like he was trying to understand me. I could barely meet his eyes, which were an vivid bright green.

"I brought tea," announced Mikhail as he entered the living room with four steaming hot mugs. I smiled at him with gratitude and without even meaning to, I felt tears well up in my eyes. It was stupid really, but it had been so long since someone had made anything for me and I couldn't hold back my tears at the meaning behind his gesture.

My tears didn't go unnoticed and in an instant, Mikhail was beside me and Alexei had subconsciously shifted closer, detecting the change in mood. Even Ivan tensed up, his eyes fixed on me with an unreadable expression.

"Did we upset you," asked Mikhail softly, and there was that overwhelming concern I'd seen just this morning. Such an open and pure heart, to feel such strong emotion for a stranger. He was beautiful inside and out.

"She'll be fine. We all get a bit emotional sometimes," said Ivan, his body relaxing before he took a sip of tea. Mikhail stayed before me for a few more seconds before handing me my own mug of tea and tucking me in a bit more tightly with the blanket I'd wrapped around myself. Again, I wanted to cry at the gesture but I fought to keep it inside. These boys had come here to escape their problems, not see my cry about my own.

And as if Alexei had heard my thoughts, he opened his mouth to speak, his eyes somehow directly finding my own.

"Anything you need to say, we'll listen darling. I'm particularly fond of personal story time. It unburdens the soul," said Alexei, with a flourish of his hands and I giggled at his dramatics. My giggle eased Mikhail who then planted himself on the floor, his head rested against my legs. The contact was somehow soothing but nerve-wracking at the same time and I fought to drift my focus to something else.

"Maybe another time we'll take turns playing storyteller. For now we should all get some rest," I said as I made my way up the stairs to get pillows and blankets for the boys so they could make themselves at home on the couch. I felt two sets of eyes watching me carefully as I climbed up the stairs and fought to keep the ridiculous smile off my face until I turned the corner at the top of the steps. I let myself loose then and did a little happy dance. Maybe these three would give me the understanding I longed for. 

I know many of you may not like Ivan as much as the other two, but he just has a hard time opening up to strangers. I'll be exploring  his character more in the story so don't dislike him just yet. As for the other two, I loved writing them. Mikhail reminds me a bit of Troy and Alexei is just so fun to write with his dramatics and flair. I'll be exploring the dynamic between the three boys as well in the following chapters. The next one's going to be pretty cute so stay tuned (:

I'm so thankful for all the support this story has gotten so far. It means so much to me so thank you thank you thank you so much for reading this book. Every vote and comment seriously makes my day. Love you all so much for your continued support. 

So of all the boys now, which one do you like the best? And, I want to know how would you describe the boys in just one word? Comment below and don't forget to click that little star if you liked this chapter. I'll be updating soon!



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