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On Troy's birthday a couple of months ago, Violet and I had decided to plan a surprise for him. That was when she'd first led me up to her log cabin. Her eldest brother had built it from scratch before he'd left for a university in Europe. He'd left the house in her care. We'd transformed the whole area for the special occasion, with balloons, streamers and a humongous cake I'd baked myself.

None of it compared to how beautiful the house looked now. It was decorated in soft golden-yellow fairy lights. Even the trees were decorated like it was Christmas already. Near the door, Violet had placed jars with small lights in them as well. What truly completed the scene were the fireflies that flew around the house, like they were welcoming us home. It looked like a beacon for wayward travelers, like it had just been ripped from my dreams.

I gaped, absolutely stunned before turning to Violet. She was watching me with an apprehensive smile. Troy led the rest of them into the house but we remained outside. I was still trying to form a coherent thought to express how I felt. I had no words to encompass how grateful and warm I was feeling right now.  

 "I came out here today morning to plan it all out. I figured the warm lights would give it a more homely atmosphere but you know if you don't like it I can switch up the col," she started. I tackled her into a hug before she finished. There were no words so I blabbered instead as I hugged her tightly to me.

"It's perfect. Thank you thank you thank you," I said over and over. She laughed before releasing me. We grinned at each other like absolute fools and in that one bizarre moment, I could almost see the bond between us, glowing as bright as the fireflies themselves.

"Let's get inside before the testosterone levels in the house get too high." I laughed and followed her in. I was still unable to process the amount of effort she'd put in to make this stay special.

The inside of the house was furnished with warm red throws, fluffy cushions, comfy blankets and the aroma of delicious food. Mikhail, Alexei and Troy were in the small kitchen looking through the various dishes Violet had ordered. If she'd cooked it wouldn't smell nearly as good. I think the two boys were testing Alexei to identify all the dishes by just smell. Ivan looked a tad bit lost, scratching the back of his neck in the middle of the hall as I walked in. He looked like he was about to deliver commands to an army as he approached Violet with a tight smile.

"Thanks. For doing all of this." I could hardly believe my ears. Violet gave him a small smile and her surprise was evident as well.

"No problem," she said easily before brushing past him to head to her boyfriend. Ivan turned to me just as Alexei and Mikhail joined us. I gave Ivan's hand a small squeeze of thanks before they reached and he kept my hand in his. Alexei had a wicked grin on his face that promised nothing but trouble as he sauntered over with his hands in his pockets. 

"Alexei why do you look so amused," I asked warningly. His wicked smile only deepened. He looked infuriatingly sexy with that smile. It was distracting to say the least and to my embarrassment, I found my eyes wavering between his lips and his eyes. He obviously didn't realize but Mikhail stood at his side looking terribly amused. 

"Well darling I just realized that this house only had two bedrooms and apparently, the happy couple over there are sharing one." I looked at Violet over Mikhail's shoulder. She shot me a wink, that little devil. Best friend or not, I'd forgotten that she was also trouble. I blushed red thinking of sharing a room with all three of them.

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