13: Different

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Dedicated to Familygirl26 and other readers that wants me to update!

Currently, I am at school, at my locker, to get some books for my first period. Someone knocked on my locker, I smiled thinking that it was Blake. When I close my locker, Blake didn't have long blonde hair, it's Layla. My smile was now gone and I let anger took over me when I saw her with Edward together. Edward still have some bruises from 2 days ago but seemed to be healing well.

" WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? YOU DIDN'T ANSWER MY CALLS, NOR EVEN REPLY TO MY TEXTS? YOU AND ED DIDN'T COME TO SCHOOL YESTERDAY? WHY? DO YOU KNOW HOW MAD AND WORRIED I AM? AND YOU GUYS JUST LEFT A NOT--? " I stopped my nagging when suddenly Layla engulfed me into a hug. I heard snifflings and felt her shoulder gently moved up and down. Almost immediately, worry was written all over my face.

" What happened, Lay? Why are you crying? " I looked at Edward, he didn't say a word but just gave me a sad smile. I wondered what happened when they weren't around yesterday.

" Lay? Did your mom slap you again? " I pulled away from the hug. And looked at her with concern, as my hands cupped her tear-stained cheeks that are now red. I decided to not say anything and hugged her again. Her sobs are getting more louder and her pants are heavier as well. My hands instinctively rub circles on her back to comfort her, without even realizing, my eyes are also welled with tears and I cried along with her. Students around us are looking at us weirdly.

What the hell happened to them?

Why can't they just do this somewhere else?

Aw, best friend goals...

I was about to tell them off, but someone already took my place to do it.
To my surprise, it's William.

" Can't you guys just shut up and just focused on what all of you are doing? Give them some space! " William shouted at them, behind him followed by Blake, James, Andy and Ryder themselves. Aww, thanks William, I will thank him later." Can you share what's so funny? " Blake growled at the group of jockers that were caught snickering, they instantly shut up when they caught the face expression that was on Blake's and have fear written all over their faces, one of them looked like he's going to pee himself actually.

I heard some footsteps coming my way, I looked up to see those similar brown eyes, Asher. It's clear that concern was on his face as he walked towards me.

" Hey, you alright? Why are you and Layla crying? " Asher whispered to me as he looked at Layla for a second and then to me.

" I don't know either.. " I mouthed to him.

He just nodded and gently squeeze my shoulders. He gave a kiss on Layla's forehead and left. It's okay for Asher to do that since he treats the both of like his own sisters, so Layla is actually fine with it.

I looked at Layla who is still sobbing silently on my shoulder, I lifted her head up to see her bloodshot eyes which can clearly show that she's been crying all night. " Let's get you cleaned up.. " I give her my hand which she gladly accepted, now on our way to the girl's toilet.

Once we're there, Layla starts to clean her cheeks that were tear-stained and her smudged make up, especially her mascara, that's on her face. A few minutes later, she looked fresh again like the Layla I knew, but I need to know what happened.

" Lay, what happened? You don't have to tell me if you're uncomfortable with it.. Just know that I'm your best friend, Edward and I are here for you no matter what.. " As I said that, my hands reach out to her face to wipe that single tear that dropped from her eye again. She shook her head and smiled. Then, she engulfed me again into a tight hug, so did I, a hug that's filled with love and passion, like our friendship.

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