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Long before the Roman Empire and the Colosseum, before the Trojan War and Hercules, before Egypt and the pyramids, before men started to kill other men and before Gods were Gods, there was nothing but chaos.

Humans and demons, each had Gods of their own, the wars on Earth were the same upstairs. Light against darkness, evil against good, none of it mattered. The "good guys" weren't always winning. Light didn't always mean good, darkness never meant evil.

Humans learnt that the hard way.

Why is it that humans won the wars? All of the wars. One after the other, humans were still standing. Why? Why weren't they all dead? After all, they spent their time killing each other.

Humans killing humans, vampires killing humans, witches killing humans... But humans weren't killing vampires, they weren't killing witches either. So why were they the only species left?

Well, who said they were?

There was a time, after the first war, when humans lived in peace. It didn't last long. As they prospered, jealousy settled. Like a snake getting under the skin when asleep. One morning, that man thought to himself "why is it the grass is greener on the other side of the fence? Why is there even a fence? Why is his wife prettier than mine? Why are his children smarter than mine? Why is his business more successful than mine?"

Why, oh why? Please, God, tell me why.

And more snakes came and infested the garden.

And wars started again. Just like that.

Bickering, whining, crying, praying, and praying, and praying.

Long before the pyramids, Gods only wanted one thing: worship. And they got it. They were worshipped, every single one of them, feared and respected.

Why did the Gods leave? Why aren't the Gods worshipped anymore?

Well, who said they weren't?

Humans are still bickering and whining but they stopped praying. At least, some of them did.

History became legend. And legend stayed legend. Why is the Bible truer than Hercules's story? Why is Lucifer real but Hades isn't?

Well, who said he wasn't?

Long before humans were killing each other, they were killing demons. Both species claiming the Earth for them to rule. Gods watched carefully as their worshippers died rapidly one after the other.

Who was going to pray for them if they all died?

Praying was simple. Worshipping a God and praying to him or her assured you good fortune and protection. There hadn't been any good fortune for any human in quite a while.

Acknowledging they were failing their duty as Gods and weren't keeping their end of the bargain, they decided to react.

The idea came to Ares, after his brother had once again cursed a human for refusing him. Apollo had turned a young and beautiful girl into an irresistible and blood thirsty creature. Ares noticed how her skin was as cold and hard as stone, how the girl was graceful but also powerful. Men couldn't help but stare at her, and she couldn't help but kill them all. Her name was Agnes, and she was the first of ten. The first vampire of history.

To defend them, Ares and his family decided to give the humans certain abilities. Telekinesis, telepathy, pyro kinesis, transmutation, divination... But they were still humans and humans were weak. They had to be made stronger, faster, harder to kill.

Zeus, Hera, Poseidon, Demeter, Athena, Artemis, Ares, Aphrodite and Hephaestus all created the same creature. They chose nine humans and changed them. Turned them into something else. Their skin became like stone, their eyes turned red, their hearts stopped. They became faster, stronger, harder to kill. And fire settled in their throats. And it would be burning, always.

The first war was won. No more demons. Only humans. And vampires. And witches. And fairies, and Gods know what else.

And everything after that, is known history.

Or is it?

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