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A vision of the future is a message from the Gods.

That's how they intervene in our world. They send messengers, messages.

Whatever you see, the Gods want you to intervene. It is what's going to happen. But it can change. You can change it.

So, change it.

Demetri was looking out the window of the highest apartment of the building he was in. He was looking at all the lights lightning Tokyo. They were of all colors. Making the city more visible during the night than during the day.

When he left the Volturi six months ago, he didn't care where he ended up as long as he was with his mate. Turned out that Mavis's favorite city was Tokyo, and Demetri didn't complain. There were many tourists there, plenty of choices for dinner.

Mavis was lying on her back, in her bed, her feet on the wall. She was looking at the blue on her nails. They were blue electric.

"How do you know all this?" Demetri asked.

He turned around and made his way to the bed, he was only a few steps away. He placed his hands on both sides of her head and locked his crimson eyes with her blue ones.

"They wanted me to know," she shrugged. "They taught me."

She looked away and started playing with the collar of his white shirt.

"So, all the visions that the Cullen girl has. They're messages from the Gods?"

"Mmh, not exactly," Mavis shook her head. "Most of her visions are related to her environment. They're about her family, her friends, people she knows, things she actually wants to see. But, she's also kind of a... a mean to an end, you know? If a God or a Goddess really wanted to give a message or a warning, they'd use someone like her."

"So, she's not alone? She's not the only one out there who can see the future?"

"No. There are many oracles out there, seers... some witches master the art as well, but, they're usually using dark magic."

"I still can't believe I've lived a thousand of years without knowing that witches existed."

Mavis giggled. "Every kind has their own Volturi," she said. "They don't want other species to know they exist."

"Yeah, but it's not fair. They know we exist."

"No, they don't," Mavis shook her head. "Not all of them do."

"You do."

"They wanted me to know," she said distractively, her fingers wandering on his face.

"They wanted you to know a lot of things."

"They wanted me to know everything."

"Do you? Know everything?"

Mavis shrugged. "Pretty much...," she said. She looked up and he saw a mischievous look in her eyes, "more than you do," she grinned.

"Ouch," he grinned back.

Mavis giggled as he leaned to kiss her. They both closed their eyes as their lips met. She slid her hands in his hair as his cold lips moved on hers. Everything about him was cold. She didn't mind. Every time he touched her, she felt electricity go through her body. He grinned in the kiss as he heard her heart was no longer beating. It always did that, every time he touched her, she died all over again. His skin was hard but his touches were always so gentle. He was careful with her, as if she was a fragile human. She loved it. She loved that he was afraid to break her, to hurt her. Nobody ever had. They had all tried to break her, but they never succeeded.

He didn't need to breath but she did. Or else she would pass out. Again.

He slightly, and reluctantly, backed away to let her catch her breath.

"Maybe I can show you one or two things you don't know," he said, with a grin and a look that would make any girl blush.

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