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"Kenzie why do you always copy my outfits?!"
"Because your my older sister! Did you forget that already Rylea!"
*grunts* "Why are we the ones to carry Tim's heavy bags?"
"This is how life is when we don't have parents that are alive and now we live with our stepfather"
"You mean stepmonstser! And why do you always try to look like my twin?!"
"What do you mean?"
I stopped to take my breath as we were on this long pathway right by some woods, "Kenzie! You and I are both wearing black Northface jackets, black leggings, and black shoes! And both of us have a half up half down hairstyle!"
"And we're both mixed!"
"No I never knew *sarcastically*!"
We both started laughing ...
"Hey! Why did you guys stop! Did I tell you too stop?!"
I rolled my eyes as Kenzie turned away from Tim's face and started walking.
"Did you just roll your eyes at me Rylea?!"
"Yes I did!"
"You better watch it little girl!"
I threw the bag off of my back and right in front of him. "We're not YOUR little girls! I'm sixteen and she's fourteen so we don't have to listen to you!"
"Rylea stop let's go!" Kenzie shouted in fear.
"No! I'm tired of being your goddamn slave!"
"Listen you piece of shit! Whether you like it or not I'm in charge if you! So keep moving!" He said as he threw the bag at me and I put it back on and continued walking on the pathway.
We came to the end of the pathway so Kenzie and I were releaved as we placed the bags down on the ground.
"Can we eat now?!" Kenzie asked weakly.
"Are you serious?! We carried your stupid bags all day long and you can't give us one meal?!" I shouted at Tim.
He then stood up and smacked me across my face knocking me down hard. I then got forcefully pushed towards a lake right by us as Tim grabbed the back of my head and shoved it under water.
"Stop!" Kenzie shouted in fear.
"Yell at me again and I'll kill you and your sister!" He whispered in my ear as he released the grip on my head. As I lifted my head from the water I gasped for my air as Kenz ran up to me and hugged me tightly.
"Now as I eat some delicious food, you guys can go check out ... that dam over there" he said as he pointed in that direction.
Without hesitation Kenz and I got up and rushed over to the dam.
"You okay Ry?"
*shaking* "Ya I'm fine"
As we arrived at the dam we had to climb down a little ramp in order to reach the main entrance. Both of our stomachs growled loudly as we were starting to enter the dam. The door closed loudly behind us as we walked down some stairs.
"Why does Tim want us to come down here anyway?"
"I don't know Kenz maybe he ..." I started to say as we reached the bottom of the stairs and right in front of us were a large group of apes. They looked at us in anger ...
I pushed Kenzie behind me, "Um, sorry wrong house!". We than ran back to the entrance and then got pulled back causing us to fall hard on our backs. A large gorilla than forced us to our feet ...
"Why are you here?" One ape said as the others moved out of his way. So I assumed he was the leader.
"We got forced to come down here!" Kenzie shouted.
"By who!" A scary ape said who had a large scar on the side of his face.
"Our father ...!"
"Stepfather!" I interrupted.
The apes froze, but my stomach growled very loudly startling the apes.
I smacked my stomach, "I'm sorry that was just my tummy!"
The apes stepped closer to us causing Kenzie to hide behind me. A loud bang was heard behind us and of course it was my evil stepfather ...
"What is taking you guys so long?! Does checking out a dam mean take your time?!"
"Tim we were checking it out but ..." he then interrupted me by smacking me hard behind my head.
"Don't interrupt me!" He then grabbed Kenzie by the arm as he tried to make his way out. I turned to the apes ...
"I'm sorry my sister and I don't mean any trouble. We got told to come down here without any explanation"
The apes stepped closer as some of them glared at me. Including the ape with the large scar and two younger apes, one who had three large scars across his chest and the other who had a darker complexion.
"Did you guys come from the city?" The leader ape asked.
"No we don't live in the city, we were looking for places to set up our camp ..."
"Hey dumbass come on!" Tim yelled up the stairs. I completely ignored him ...
He stomped down to me, "Did you hear me?!"
"Yes I did! But I'm trying to explain to these apes..." before I could finish what I was saying, he hit me in my face again. I held my cheek and looked over seeing some of the apes were in shock.
"Got anymore excuses?!"
"That wasn't an excuse! I was trying to ..." he threw a blow to my stomach causing me to whince.
"Fine! You wanna 'talk to these animals' go ahead just know you guys are getting punished once you're done!" He said as he stomped out of the dam, Kenzie ran back to me.
I still stood there in shock as I heard some of the apes gibbering. One walked forward to us, he had large muscles ...
"Why does ... he hurt you?"
"Because he hates us!" I said as tears formed in my eyes, I took a hold of Kenzie's wrist and we walked out of there. When the door closed I heard loud gibbering.
"Rylea! I'm scared!"
"Don't be. That's what makes the punishment worse"
As we arrived back at the camp Tim set up on the shore of the lake. We stood there right in front of him glaring.
He took us by our wrists "You guys are going to spend the rest of day and night sleeping in these woods!"
He threw us into a tree as the impact to our heads caused us to fall down. Stepmonstser than took my arms, wrapped them behind the tree and tied them together. Doing the same thing with my sister as we both were on our knees. He then threw a pocket knife and a whip next to me ...
"So Rylea since you've been the problem child today, you get the treatment. While Kenzie gets to watch!"
"Kiss my ass!"
He completely ignored my comment and grabbed his pocket knife starting to cut open the back of my jacket. Once there was a clear opening he grabbed the whip and started hitting me. I screamed the first two times but bit my tongue as tears fell down my face at every hit. My back started going numb to the point my body started feeling weak, I could feel blood running down my back.
"Okay stop you're killing her!" I heard Kenzie's worried voice shout.
He stopped very unexpectedly ...
"Fine I'll stop! But if you get anyone to help you ... you're getting the knife treatment! I'm gonna go back down the pathway for s few hours" He said as he got up, grabbed one of his backpacks and made his way down the pathway.
I closed my eyes hoping I can die and escape this pain ...
*whispers* "Rylea! Rylea!"
I opened my eyes and saw the large group of apes standing by us. The younger ape who had three scars on his chest walked behind me and felt my back, causing me to jerk. He hooted causing the others to check out my back. I felt a hand brush over my cuts causing me to whince ...
They walked besides me so I can see them. An orangutan was doing something with hands, I just gave a confused look ...
"Leave them! Humans are bad!" One ape shouted.
"Koba!" The leader ape gestured towards that ape making him walk away ...
"I'm Caesar!"
"Um ... I'm Rylea ... that's my sister Kenzie"
*points to orangutan* "Maurice" *points to ape with muscles* "Rocket" *points to gorilla* "Luca" *points to shy younger ape* "Ash" *points to other younger ape with scars* "Blue Eyes"
I just looked over to my sister as we both looked confused. Than the gorilla started untying us from the tree.
"No don't!" He froze
"Our stepfather will hurt us more if you help us!" Kenzie chimed in.
The apes just looked at one another. Then in the distance we heard loud footsteps.
"I thought I was clear Rylea!"
"I didn't ask for help! They showed up!"
He punched my face "Stop lying!"
"She's not lying!" Kenzie said as she began to cry.
"Shut up Kenzie no one asked you!"
The orangutan stomped in front of my stepfather, blocking me from him. Causing the other apes to surround me as well.
"Stop! Move out of his way and get out of here!" I cried and pleaded to the apes.
They looked at me in sadness and left at my command. I watched them walk away as Tim started slashing up my back with his knife. Blood was dripping onto the moss I was kneeling on.
I was crying as he finished up the treatment, he then untied my sister and I from the trees.
"Now go to the ape colony and tell them we're staying over by the shore!"
My sister assisted me up as we made our way to the apes. I had to hold on to my sister's shoulder as blood trickled all down my pants.
We were greeted by that gorilla Luca as we began entering the ape colony, he hooted to the other apes. They rushed us in ... Caesar and Blue Eyes met us before we could enter, they saw the blood dropping from my back as tears were in my eyes.
"Our stepfather wanted us to tell you that we were staying by the shore" Kenzie said as I started to lose my strength. I let go of her shoulder causing me to flop right in front of the apes. Caesar and his son helped me up seeing all the blood on my back.
"You need to see ... a doctor!"
"No! I'm fine!" I said as I snatched my arms from the two apes who were holding me.
"You guys aren't safe ... with that man" the gorilla said.
I started walking out with Kenzie but she pulled me back.
"Can we stay with you guys?" She asked the apes
"Kenzie no! Tim would kill us if he found out we were living with them!"
There was silence as I tugged Kenzie with me as we exited the ape colony. The apes hooted at one another as we left ...
"There you idiots are! I've been waiting a little bit for you!"
"I'm sorry but it's kind of hard to move fast when your back is cut up!"
He grabbed me by the throat and pushed me up against the tree as I was gasping for air. Kenzie tried to run to me but Tim kicked her knocking her down to the ground.
"I'm sick and tired of your attitude! Knock it off or you'll be sorry!" He said as he released the grip on my throat.
"You bitches are sleeping in the woods! While I get a nice, comfy tent!" He said as he walked away.
*cries* "I miss mom and dad Rylea!"
*cries* "I know ... I do too!"

Problem Child: Planet Of The Apes Story Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt