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As I entered the ape colony, Luca greeted me at the entrance. He touched my face as he saw the anger in my eyes. It made it seem like my head was bleeding profusely, but it wasn't my blood. Luca started hooting causing others to surround me. I shoved his hands off of my shoulder as I made my way into the colony.
Apes were all staring at me in shock, all I could do was glare. Caesar started approaching me and ran to me to give me a hug but I shoved him away.
"Rylea, let me explain!"
All I did was give him a evil glare. I then felt an ape hug me tight around my neck and waist. The scars on the right shoulder helped me know who it was. My blood started boiling. I shoved him off of me and smacked him across the face, causing apes to gasp. Blue Eyes looked at me in shock as he held his cheek in his hands.
*cries* "How could you?!"
"Ry ... listen to me ... please"
*cries* "No! I can't trust you!"
He grabbed a hold of my wrists in his hands. "Baby ... please listen to me"
I pushed him away from me. *cries* "I'm not your baby!"
"Rylea calm down" Caesar said as he placed a hand on my shoulder.
I pushed him away too, I didn't care. "I don't need to calm down! You two sicken me!"
I looked behind Caesar and saw Koba and Hudson standing their with guilty looks on their faces.
"Ry ... please let ... me explain" Blue Eyes said as he rubbed my arms.
I pushed him back again. "Did you know?!"
"Know ... what?"
I punched him in his left shoulder. *cries* "Don't play dumb Blue! Did you know!"
Tears filled his eyes. "Ry, what ... are you ... talking about?"
*cries* "Did you know Hudson and Koba would kill my sister?!!!"
*sniffles* "Y ... y ... yes!"
*cries* "TRAITOR!!!" I shouted as I started throwing blows to Blue Eyes's chest. Tears started falling down our faces.
I still kept punching him. "How could you do that to me?! *cries* You knew how much she meant to me! I hate you! I HATE YOU SO MUCH!!! YOU NEVER LOVED ME!! *sniffles* YOU USED ME AND PLAYED ME!!!!"
*cries* "Rylea ... I do ... love you!"
*cries* "Really"
*cries* "Yes Ry"
*cries* "Then where were you when I needed you?! Huh?! I got mistreated for fourteen days straight! While you pretended to get shot! ..."
*cries* "I ... did get ... shot" he said as he pointed to his right shoulder.
I threw another blow to his chest. "Big deal! I've been through so much worse! *cries* If you loved me, you would've protected me from getting hurt again! Did that night in that abandoned room mean nothing to you at all?!!"
*cries* "No ... no it did. It ... was the best ... night of ... of my life"
*cries* "You ... have me!"
Luca came behind me and pulled me away from Blue Eyes. He started pulling me out of the colony as I still cried ...
All I heard was silence as I got pulled out of the colony. Luca set me down on a ledge in front of his guarding standing.
"Rylea ... I know ... you're sad. But ... you were ... getting to ... violent"
*whines* "I don't care! He deserved every hit I gave him!"
I quickly got up and rushed to the lake. The lake was frozen over, I sat down at the shore. Tears were falling down my face as I felt I was betrayed by my own husband.
"Rylea?" I turned around and saw Cornelia with Cornelius in her arms. She sat down on a rock besides me.
"I'm so ... sorry ... that my husband ... and son ... did that ... to you. When ... I found out ... what they ... did, I was ... disappointed"
A tear slid down my face and Cornelia wiped it from my cheek. I heard a stick snap behind me, I turned around and it was Blue Eyes.
I stood up quick. "No! You, get out of here!"
*cries* "Rylea ... please ... I need ... you to hear ... me out"
I was slowly backing up. "I told you already Blue Eyes. You've broken my trust"
"Ry ..."
The sound of cracking heard under me caused me to freak out. I looked down and noticed I was in the middle of the frozen lake. The cracking became louder, more apes approached in panic as they saw me standing there.
"Rylea, don't move!" Caesar shouted.
I tried to stay still but it was too late ... the ice broke and I fell into the freezing, below zero water. My limbs went numb immediately as I heard hooting above me. I tried to swim to the surface but I didn't have enough strength. My body started moving slower and slower as I was gasping for air. I still couldn't get to the surface. As I was under the water I looked down and saw complete darkness. Then the darkness turned into a bright light.
My eyes shot open and I saw tiny, bright orbs floating all around me. I was wondering where I was, this place seemed so peaceful.
I shot my head around and saw ... my mother.
Tears ran down my face as I ran into my mother's arms. It felt great to be in her comfort again. I could feel her hair again.
She pulled away with my cheeks in her palms as we smiled at each other.
"You've grown up so much"
"Where am I?"
"You're in the afterlife" another familiar voice said.
He walked up to me and hugged me tight, like he used to.
*cries* "I've missed you guys so much!"
"We know. But you have to let go" my mom said.
"What do you mean?"
"That's why we're here in the afterlife. We can't move on until you move on" my father said with a smile.
"There's someone here to see you" my mom said. She turned me around and I saw my sister.
I quickly ran to her and gave her a great big hug as tears fell down my face.
*cries* "I'm so sorry you got killed Kenzie"
"Rylea, it's my fault I died"
"It was my plan to get killed, not Blue Eyes"
"Why would you leave me?"
"I talked to Caesar, Blue Eyes, Koba, and Hudson about a way you could definitely be safe from humans as well as the apes being safe. I knew you would snap if you were kidnapped again. If you were to defend yourself without any help, that would show "Tim's comrads" that you're not taking any more shit. You would be safe and so would the apes"
"Oh my God!"
"I know Ry, I'm sorry I had to do that to you"
"So you planned for everything to happen? And it happened the exact way you planned it?"
She nodded. "Blue Eyes loves you with all his heart. Make things right with him"
"Ya, we saw you guys that night" my mother said.
*chuckles* "Sorry"
"I'm not mad. He's a good ... ape. It's not like you did it without getting married like your sister"
"You and Hudson ..."
"Yes we did. And I'm proud of it"
"He told me he never loved you"
"He lied"
"But sweetie, you have a life to live. You're holding that ape's child and you must move on from us" my father said.
"I didn't know it was possible"
"You'll find out soon"
"You're life will be good sis"
They all pulled me into a group hugged. Tears slid down my face as I felt my family's comfort for the last time. I stepped away from them noticing they were starting to disappear. When they were gone the bright light showed up again.
I felt hard pushing on my chest. Water dripped out my mouth as I felt another push on my chest. I shot my eyes open and started gasping for air. Multiple hands were rubbing on my cheeks. I sat up and started coughing my guts out.
My vision became clear and I saw the whole colony surrounding me. I felt cold again as I remembered what happened. To my right I saw my lovely husband with tears filling his eyes.
"I'm ... sorry" he cried.
I wrapped my arms around his neck tightly. "It's okay. Kenzie told me what happened. I'm sorry I didn't hear you out"
*sniffles* "You talked ... to Kenzie?"
I nodded. "And my parents, they told me everything. They also said I need to move on from the past. And that's what I'm gonna do"
I ran my fingers into the back of Blue Eyes's head and pushed him forward and kissed him. His hands wrapped around me tightly as tears fell down his face.
This was a new beginning ...

Problem Child: Planet Of The Apes Story Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя