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Blue Eyes would not let me out of his sight, especially after what happened yesterday. Every move I would make he would be watching me like a hawk. Luckily I was able to get separation from him when he left me with his mother and younger brother.
"My son ... told ... us ... what happened?"
*Cornelius gibbering*
"He's ... protective of you"
"Ya he won't let me go of out this hut alone"
"Would you ... consider ... being his mate?"
"I ... I don't know. I would prefer living on my own so I won't bother the apes any longer. And if I'm gone Blue Eyes won't be so stressed"
"You are ... not a ... bother. If you ... leave, my son ... would be hurt"
"He's already hurt with me being here. I make him worry about me too much"
"That's only ... because he ... loves you"
"I mean, I would love to be his mate but I just, I don't know"
"Just ... keep me ... and Caesar ... posted"
"I will, I'm gonna go for a walk"
"Be ... safe!"
I nodded to Cornelia as I walked out of the hut. Without anyone noticing I grabbed Caesar's spear. I had to make sure no one saw the giant spear I held behind my back.
Luca wasn't in his normal spot so I didn't have to worry about him seeing the spear. I made my way to the lake and walked a little farther down to where the beginning of the waterfall was. This time I made sure no one was behind me. I took a deep breath and turned the spear so the tip would be facing my stomach. By my calculations if I were to stab myself I could fall into the waterfall and I would never be found. As I gazed into waterfall, without thinking I forcefully inserted the tip of the spear into the side of my stomach. I was starting to make my way to the edge of the shore and into the waterfall until I got jumped, causing me to fall on my back onto the ground. And of course it had to be Blue Eyes once again, but Caesar, Rocket, Ash, Koba, Maurice, and Luca were with him.
"What did ... I tell you?!" He said as he yanked the spear out of my side causing me to whince.
Caesar and Blue Eyes pulled me forward so I would sit up and Maurice applied pressure to my new wound. I didn't want to look onto Blue Eyes's eyes because I knew he was mad.
"Why would ... you try to do that Rylea?!"
"Because I felt like it!"
*growls* "You're never ... getting out of my sight!"
"You said that last time!"
"Rylea ...!!"
"Son stop!" Caesar interrupted. "Rylea the nurse apes will ... help you"
I pushed their hands away from me and grabbed my wound as I got up. "I don't need any help!"
"Sit down!" Blue Eyes yelled at me.
"You can't boss me around!"
"I can too!"
"No you can't! My parents are the only ones who can boss me around!"
"Well ... they are not here. So ... until then ... I'm in charge of you!"
"A friend can't boss around a friend! It's not apart of the bossing rules!"
"I'm not ... your friend! I'm your ... mate!"
"I didn't agree to that so HA!"
"Well you're ... still my girlfriend!"
"Says who?!"
"Don't ... get smacked?!"
"Go ahead and smack me, kill me if you have too. I DON'T CARE!!!"
I then stormed off back to Caesar's hut as I continued holding my cut. Tears were still falling down my face as I passed by the apes. I just really missed my baby sis, and I still couldn't believe she's gone.
When I made it to the hut I just plopped myself down on Kenzie's blankets. No one was in the hut so it gave me a chance to have some time to myself. It all came to an end when Caesar walked in with some female apes who had masks over their faces.
"They're here to help you with ... your wounds"
I nodded my head as they gathered around me and started doing their work on my cut. One of the apes took off the wrap I had on my forearm and started cleaning those wounds too.
"Rylea?" A familiar voice said. I turned towards the door and it was Hudson. He sat next to me as tears filled his eyes.
*sobs* "I'm so sorry ... for your sister"
"I did love her"
"I did too"
"If I could've just ..."
"No ... We both could've done something that might've saved *voice cracks* her life"
"My father ... thinks it might've been an animal attack. Or she tumbled and ... cut herself on a rock"
He placed his forehead to mine as we both grieved over Kenzie. I massaged the back of his head as we cried together.
"You never ... do that with me"
I lifted my head and it was Blue Eyes, no surprise there. Hudson must've gotten scared because he ran out of the hut quick. I rolled my eyes as Blue Eyes sat next to me, the nurses finished up their work on my wounds.
"Me and Hudson were just grieving with each other. Is that okay?"
*sighs* "Yes, but it did ... make me jealous"
"I touch heads with you a lot"
"I know"
*huffs* Caesar walked out of the hut along with all the nurse apes. Blue Eyes wrapped his furry arm around my neck and brought me closer as he kissed the side of my forehead. I started pulling away from his grip ...
"What's wrong?"
"Ry ..."
"Blue Eyes it's nothing!" *sobs*
"It's about ... our fight huh?"
"I'm sorry. I'm just very ... protective of you. I can't let ... anything happen to you. I do want ... you being my mate"
"I know Blue! I do want to be your mate, I do. But it's just lonely without my sister here. I feel like an outcast"
"We just need ... to get away"
"So is it official ... are you gonna be my mate"
*smiles* "Yes"
"Good ... the ceremony is right now"
He yanked my arm as we walked outside and all of the apes were staring. Cornelia and Caesar had a handmade crown in their hands. All I could do was cry tears of joy as I saw every ape smiling at me. Cornelius yanked the crown from Cornelia's hands, climbed on me and placed it on my head. Blue Eyes stepped in front of me and placed his head to mine, all I could do was smile. As our heads stayed connected Caesar was announcing me the official princess of the colony, as Blue Eyes was my prince. After the apes started hooting for us, Blue Eyes walked me over to this ledge and we started touching heads with all of the apes from the colony. Everytime I touched heads with an ape they would whisper sorry about your sister in my ear, causing me to get teary eyed.
By the time I finished touching heads with all of the apes I had tears rolling down my face. Blue Eyes turned me towards him and he kissed me as my hands traveled up to his head.
I can't believe I was married ... at sixteen ... woah.

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