{3} When You Hang Out and He Calls You

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[Rin needs to keep her hands off my boy.]

{Edited: 6/18/2020}

Uchiha Boy~ ❤

(Y/N), are you busy today?

3:04 PM


Noooo, why?

3:04 PM

Uchiha Boy~ 

There's this cafe, that I pass every time I walk to school. I wanted to know if you wanted to go with me today.

3:05 PM



3:05 PM

Uchiha Boy~ 

Okay! I'll come and pick you up in a bit!

3:06 PM


Alright! Can't wait!

3:06 PM

I put my phone down and quickly got ready. After about ten minutes passed, there was a knock at the front door. "AH! I'M COMING! KAKASHI DON'T OPEN THE DOOR!" I shouted and ran out of my room.

I raced down the stairs, but my brother was already at the door. "Obito?" My brother asked, surprised. I stood beside my brother, "Hey Obito!" I said and smiled at him.

Obito glared at my brother a bit before he looked at me. "Hi (Y/N)! Are you ready to go?" He asked. I smiled and nodded, "I'll be back later, Kakashi." I said and left with Obito.

Since Obito didn't have the money for a car nor did I have the money for a car. We walked to the cafe Obito told me about. "This cafe, I'm taking you too. My grandma loved this cafe! It makes the greatest food ever!" Obito said excitedly. "Really!? Now I have high expectations!" I said and smiled. He chuckled and smiled back.

We arrived at the cafe, we walked in. "Go get a seat, I can get you something to eat." He said, I nodded and sat down at a seat by the window. A few minutes later Obito sat down next to me, and he had a large slice of strawberry shortcake.

"Why'd you only get one?" I asked.

"Um...I was thinking... Since last time you kissed my cheek... I wanna repay you by... Feeding you?" He explained his face turning red. I blushed and giggled. I opened my mouth slightly, waiting for him to feed me. He blushed, and got a piece, "Ahhhh!!!!! Here comes the airplane, swooooosssshhhhhhh." He said and fed me the cake. I smiled and chewed on it. "It's good!" I said and smiled. He got another piece, I smiled and opened my mouth for him to feed me again.

I smiled, as he left one small piece of the desert on the plate. He was about to pick it up, instead, I took the fork. "I'm gonna feed you now," I said, he blushed and nodded. I giggled and picked the piece up. "Here comes the airplane, SWOOOOOOOOOOSSSSHHHHH!!!" I said, he chuckled as I fed him. We left the cafe, his arm was around my shoulder. "We should take a picture, I gotta get a new wallpaper," I said, he nodded. "Send me the picture," he said and smiled at me.

I smiled, as I took my phone out. Obito stood behind me, and we both did peace signs and Obito did a closed-eyed grin, I took the picture. I smiled at Obito as I showed him the picture. We looked cute, "Let see..." I said and looked at my lock screen it was a picture of my father smiling. "Nope," I said, and looked at my home wallpaper. "Yup," I said, I replaced the picture of me and Kakashi covered in flour with me and Obito's selfie.

Obito Uchiha Boyfriend Scenarios [Modern]Where stories live. Discover now