Chapter One

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Chapter One

"We're leaving," The fire in Jes' voice burned brighter than it normally did. I could see the determination. "I won't tell you why but I need you to trust me, we can't stay here anymore it isn't safe," So it's true, he did hurt her, I thought he was just saying that to keep me in line. 

I looked up at her, my tiny ten-year-old frame shaking, terrified of all the different possibilities of what could've happened or what could happen. We would be rouges on the run, he wouldn't just let us go without a blood bath trail where ever we stayed for long. She put her hands on my shoulders steadying me, "Nothing is going to happen to you, I'll make sure of it.

______seven years later_____

The trees were a blur of greens, browns, and greys as we ran through the little grove in whatever territory we were in. We were glad to be able to just run without being chased or having to chase. 

That didn't last as long as we needed and wanted.

A tracker's scent grew stronger and stronger as we ran closer. We had to take a sharp turn but that wasn't the issue, the tracker had started chasing after us and neither of us needed a scent or any noise to know that. 

We tried running faster, running through a stream, anything that could help us get him off our trail. There was a crash after what felt like an eternity of running, sadly it wasn't the tracker. We crashed through the window of the pack house. 

We landed face first on the floor, luckily the glass shards were, for the most part, big pieces. We shakily got to our feet and watched the tracker run off, tail between his legs. "That can't be a good sign," Jes muttered under her breath and grabbed my arm starting to pull me towards a door. 

Then she froze, staring straight ahead at the door. I slowly looked in the direction she was and saw a massive guy, clearly higher ranking like beta or alpha. He was staring back at her in surprise completely frozen in his position. Jes' grip on my arm tightened, she was scared and he wasn't expecting us. 

"Mate," he said quietly when he finally came to his senses.  Jess closed her eyes and relaxed her grip on me. Taking the chance I pushed her closer to him and watched as she completely freezes up. 

"Lil, you are so dead!!" her voice trembled slightly as she started to turn towards me before her mate's arms wrapped around her pulling her against his chest. She struggled against his hold for a minute before melting into his chest.

"I'll walk you to our Alpha," He said softly still focusing on his fragile thing in his hold. "Please not the alpha, I am begging you." Jess looked up at him wide-eyed trying to use the look that had made so many men give in before him. I rolled my eyes knowing exactly why she was acting like this, drama queen. He hardly did anything to her and we both know it

"He could be coming already," he said quietly trying to get her to relax and trust him. Jes got out of her mate's arms and pulled me against her back in a desperate attempt to hide me from him and anyone else who might come in. "What territory is this?" Jes finally asked her mate almost scared of the answer. 

"Bluemoon," he said proudly puffing out his chest trying to make him seem bigger and stronger then he was. 

 Jes held me closer to her back, her grip tightening on me trying to keep me as close to her as possible. "You're monsters!!" She yelled her voice shaking. Says the one who has a bigger reputation of being a monster simply for being a rouge.

He took a huge step forward, the light illuminating each of his features perfectly. He took another step towards us trying to close the large gap, Jes pushed me backward, nearly making me fall over, taking a step away from him. He shook his head sadly, "Why would I hurt you? You're my mate" his voice cracked.

She tried keeping her distance but I could tell it was hurting her. I sighed unable to watch her do it to herself anymore, I pushed her gently until they were just about touching then gave her a nice hard shove into him and went back out through the window before she could say anything. Something told me that I didn't want to be in the same room as them for the next few hours.

Something told me that I was going to be there for a while longer then I was used to, so I decided to find my way around this place, painting a picture in my head of the whole place to know escape routes, entrances, areas without a whole lot of people anywhere near there. 

I wanted, needed, to get Jes used to the idea of living here permanently before I left her here with her mate for good.

I found where we left our bags before we ran and I pulled out my cloak, the only real reminder left of who, what, I am. 

Jessica thought that I never got hurt because of him, she thought he left me alone. I wish that was true sometimes, but then I remember that if he hadn't done it to me when he was going to do it to her sooner or later. I just couldn't let that happen, had protected her from more than she will ever know. If I had it my way she won't ever know anything he had really done to me. 

She would never ever know about the experiments, those stupid upgrades, the sleepless nights I had to endure because of the pain I was in.

 But eventually, she'll notice the scars I still have and slowly put the pieces together like the puzzles she used to love to solve. I would be her next puzzle she didn't know she needed to solve. 

"She's been silent for years Alex but I can't figure out why. I'm thinking she might have met her mate but she got rejected or something" I heard Jes say sadly, I stayed still pressed against the wall making sure to cover up my scent so they didn't know I was there. "The night she went completely silent I had heard her singing happily, loving life like the little kid she was, and then I heard a door slam and she immediately stopped, I had heard my father say something about how my mother used to love singing and that song, I had heard the sadness that laced his voice, I didn't get to hear what happened after that though, I was called down to the kitchen to help out." She told him. 

"What else?" Alex asked softly gently pushing her to say more. Jes took a deep breath shakily, "I haven't heard her voice since." I grabbed her bag quickly and was about to throw it through the window and jump in when I heard the third voice. "Thanks for talking to us about that Jessica. I know it must have been hard having to deal with that" the third voice said. Hard? What did I miss?

"Alpha, we need to go talk with Daniel about this" Alex said. I heard a door open "we should also fix that window soon." The door shut.

I waited a few minutes before throwing the bag in.  Jess gasped in surprise when I jumped through the window. I smiled letting my amusement show through my mask. "We have to go to school tomorrow," she said, I looked at her in confusion, School?

"Alex and Alpha Blake agreed that it would probably be for the best to help us adjust," she said. Us, she said us, we were both going to school.

~Actually Edited~

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