chapter sixteen

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We all gathered in his office waiting for the demon spawn to walk in. I knew Blake was fuming with anger, mostly at himself for letting me do this. There was a knock at the door drawing our attention towards it. We waited silently for Blake's answer. "Come in" he finally managed to growl out.

I grabbed his hand trying to calm him down slightly. I couldn't help but think that he was also scared, for my safety and his. The door opened and I set my mask in place, the one I used while he tried upgrading me, why did I want him in here again? Oh yeah, right. "Father," I said emotionlessly breaking the silence between us.

"Ah my little baby Lil!" he said faking his excitement. "Why do you want this Siren so badly?" Blake said getting straight to the point. "Siren is my perfect little weapon. Also, I will kill your precious mate to get her" I rolled my eyes and scoffed shocking everyone in the room with me.

"And how exactly do you expect to go about doing that?" I asked knowingly. He smirked at me "That's my little girl" I nearly killed him right there and then. I managed to keep my eyes from turning red and my blades from shooting out.

"Don't you remember your implant? Or did you forget?" he did not just say that. 

"Implant?" The beta asked. I almost burst out laughing I've been gone for almost two years and he thinks I still have that in my neck? He's the one who gave me silver blades in my wrist.

"Are you really that stupid? You are in a room full of people who will gladly kill you if you even lay a finger on me, mostly Blake" I stepped forward, towards him "you know, Blake recently got a specific upgrade, I mean you should know you did it to him"

His face paled "so I suggest not making any demands, or you'll be killed by oh so precious Siren" I knew I had his undivided attention "and I will personally see to it that it will be exactly how you did it to those rouges and traitors and poor people who just got on your bad side"

I saw him gulp, no one survived after ignoring that type of threat from me. I smirked "am I clear?" I asked knowing full well the answer. He nodded reluctantly knowing he was defeated.

"Good" was all I said as I waved him off, I knew that he would be put in the cells for even suggesting to kill me. Two men grabbed him by the arms and dragged him out of the room. He was sickly pale.

"Lillian? What implant?" Blake wrapped his arms around me sending sparks shooting throughout my entire body. "It doesn't matter anymore, I got rid of it" his arms tightened around me and buried his face in my neck "I hated doing that Lil" I nodded I knew exactly how he felt, I hated it. Seeing him again, doing that, it just made me realize how close I still am to what he wants me to be.

"I know Blake, I know"

I played with his hair and smiled, this is how it should be. We shouldn't have to worry about if something made us lose control of our bodies, we both had seen how that effected Blake and I knew how it effected me, I just had years of practice a head of him.

We shouldn't have to worry about my insane Father waltzing in and taking everything away from us. We just shouldn't have to worry about any of that crap.

I looked around to see everyone had given us the room. I silently thanked the goddess for it.

I turned in his arms and pressed my lips into his, fireworks, that's the only word to describe it, it was like fireworks of the small little sparks we felt every time we touched.

My arms snaked up his and wrapped themselves around his neck. He growled possessively and pressed me up against the wall. Breaking the kiss all too soon.

"Blake" I moaned quietly resting my forehead against his breathing heavily. His eyes were black with lust and I saw just how much he wanted me. It was only then when I realized just how much I wanted him. "Please" I looked him in the eye.

He smirked and threw off my shirt and kissed along my neck.


If you guys want I will make the next chapter smut, your welcome.

Otherwise, you know what happened, Ahem

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