Chapter eight

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   I sat at the table, Katie was being so nice to me I didn't want to leave but I knew that I would have to eventually. I couldn't leave my sister with that monster I already knew what he would  do to her.

I looked at her as she made pancakes.

"You know, I have a son around your age. Wouldn't it be cool if he was your mate?"  She asked. I looked at the ground, "I don't get a mate" I said quietly with a frown.

She looked at me sternly "listen to me now, I don't know exactly what he has put you through but I do know that you will find him and he will save you from that hellhole" she said without a trace of any lie or disbelief.

I knew that she was very serious about it but I knew that by the time that I was even old enough to find my mate I would be way to far gone, there would be more of what my father was trying to turn me into then what my mate would deserve if I ever did find him somehow.

I saw the pain in her eyes as she looked at me, she saw how serious I was.


I looked into Katie's eyes shaking my head. "How have you been?" she asked, I knew that she was going to ask me what else my father had done.

"I was a rouge for just over a year with my sister, her choice" I said, this woman was like a mother to me the short amount of time that I was with her. She nodded thoughtfully, surely thinking of how to word her next question because Blake was almost certainly listening in on what we were saying.

"What has your father done?" She asked keeping it normal enough that anyone listening in wouldn't have known exactly what she meant.

I sighed "upgrades" I said lifting my sleeves just enough to show her my wrists and pointed to my calves.

My father had upgraded my legs so now I run almost ten times faster than any other wolf, in their wolf form.  

Her eyes widened when she saw the slits my blades went through. I heard Blake coming and tickled my ear to let her know.

"Well then, I actually have a question about that. Does it hurt when he does?" she asked and I nodded. "Yea, it does, but it is actually kind of cool to mess around with the upgrades afterwards" I told her solemnly.

Blake came in carrying two cups of tea and sandwiches.

Katie took hers gratefully and looked back at me sympathetically. She looked as if she wanted to tell me something more.

She was bouncing slightly and she looked as if she was about to explode. Finally she cracked, "I told you!!" she said giddily "you said you don't get a mate, but look at him, he's real and he's my son!!"

I blushed as I remembered the conversation that we had four and a half years ago. Why did she bring that up? Why ?

Blake chuckled when he saw my blush "Now I want to know what you told her" he said evilly. Traitor.

"I believe my exact words were, Wouldn't it be cool if your mate was my son?" she said dreamily.

"And I told you that I don't get a mate" I said my face instantly going void of any emotion, a habit that  I found very useful at times like this. She looked at me sympathetically "but you have one"

I looked her straight in the eye "I am not what he deserves"

"Lillian, it doesn't matter what your father did to you at all, by the way I don't believe he only did two" she said. Blake was getting more confused my the minute.

Thankfully Jes came in "Oh so Lillian seems to like acting as though daddy did stuff to her, huh? Is that what I did wrong? I didn't act like he was doing stuff when he wasn't? He beat the snot out of me and what does he do to you? He acts as though you never even existed. I wish I had that courtesy, little girl" She said angrily her eyes going red, never mind jes coming in was not a good thing

Katie looked at my questioningly and I shook my head slightly knowing what she was going to ask.

"I protected you, you little ungrateful bitch, and you come along pretending that he did anything to you? Nice to know my services were appreciated." she said, I could practically hear her eyes getting darker with each and every word she spoke.  I closed my eyes in an effort to contain the maroon red that I could feel trying to escape. 

I stood and turned around to face her.

"What can't even look me in the eye any more?" She asked mockingly.

My eyes snapped open and just by the look on her face I knew that my eyes were a very obvious bright maroon in my anger.  I had to keep my wrists at an angle to keep my blades from shooting out on their own.

I wouldn't let that part of what my father had done to me show. Fear was very obvious all over her face.

I smirked, doing what I did best as Siren, I was imitating to everyone in the room. I could feel the fear in the room. I folded my arms in front of my chest raising my chin.

"You, my dear sister, are not the only one who was hurt by father." I said darkly.

She visibly swallowed, "Just because you were able to create a spark of fear in everyone's soul, but you don't fool me, I know what you really are, a liar" she snarled and she turned on her heel and swiftly left the room.

I chuckled darkly, a hand touched my shoulder shyly. I turned my head slightly to tell the person that I noticed. "Don't you're scaring every one here" she said in a small voice as if she was afriad that I would lash out at her.

I nodded and took a deep breath effectively changing my eyes back to their normal color "Well I never thought I would get to see your monster in action." Katie said trying to lift the mood with a small laugh. 

I knew that she wasn't doing her best but she was trying which was way more than she had to do. "And that's why rouges don't have many friends" I said causing the people around to laugh nervously. 

Katie looked at me like i was insane. Then realization hit her she smiled proudly. Blake wrapped his arm around me once again and I knew, he didn't like seeing that. 

Not surprising, I basically means that I can create fear much faster and stronger than he could. Which meant that I could potentially be stronger than he in a fight, which no Alpha likes. 

He squeezed me to the point where it would have hurt if it weren't for all the upgrades that my father had done on me. Katie noticed how tight he was beginning to squeeze. "Blake stop, your hurting her." she said worriedly. Like I said, she was like a mother to me.

He didn't seem notice her pleas. 

My eyes widened at how close to breaking one of the major upgrades and I started to struggle, I didn't want to go through the reboot it was way more painful then the break. 

I even tried scratching at his arm in an effort to get him to release me to no avail.

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