Chapter ten

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"Lillian, I am creating you into something that is worth it I don't do this than no one will want you. Not even your mate, the one person made for you, the one person that is supposed to be there no matter what, the one person who will love you no matter what." Father tried to reason with me, tried to make me see things his way.

I sighed and gestured up and down at myself "why would anyone want me anyway?"

A small smile grew one his face and quickly disappeared as if he didn't want me to see it. I looked at the ground trying to hide the tears that were beginning to form in my eyes. I already knew that my mate wouldn't want me. Father telling me was just throwing salt in the wound. 

He already knew what he was doing would just scare my mate off instead of giving me worth to him there wasn't anything that he could do that could change that fact.                            ________________

I stared at the slits that were still bleeding. It was getting really annoying. I hadn't heard Blake come into the hospital room yet. I sighed and looked around for a cloth that I could use on my slits.

"So you say that your a good friend of Lillian's?" I heard Blake say to someone. I rolled my eyes and pressed my back against the bathroom door. I knew someone had lied to him. I didn't have any friends, sad but true. I was always being upgraded by father, most of my upgrades had been upgraded constantly.

"Yea, we grew up together." Someone told him. "Well that's great, i was starting to think that she was a loner. Lillian? Where are you?" Blake said suspiciously, "I'll be right out Blake" I said. I sniffed the air, all I smelled was the alcohol of the hospital.

I managed to find two strips of cloth that looked like they were going to be thrown out soon. I smiled with relief and tied them around my wrists, I did a little victory dance and left the bathroom.

Who I saw completely surprised me "Aaron?" I asked frozen in my place. He was the only other one beside father and myself who knew about my being Siren, it definitely helped that he was the beta's son.

"Lillian, is that how you greet an old friend? Your Father has been so worried about you." Aaron said with a small smile. "Worried my butt" I muttered so quietly that even I had a hard time hearing it.

Blake looked at me weirdly. Aaron looked at my wrists and sighed "Why'd you cover your slits? you might need them later" Blake looked at him questioning him silently. I rolled my eyes "Don't worry, they're just bleeding idiot." 

A Doctor came in "Alright Luna it's time for your X-ray" I glared at him "No" Blake picked me up from behind. 

"Why do I have to?" I can't, If I did then they'll see the upgrades.  "so we know what caused you to pass out." I glared at him "I already know" 

The doctor looked at me as if asking for an explanation "Blake just disconnected an upgrade causing me to have to stay asleep as it fixed itself" I heard a small whimper from behind me and I knew it was Blake. I rubbed my thumb along his arm in an effort to cheer him up. He held me closer to him. 

"What upgrade?" 

"I have metal in my back to help with some stuff and he disconnected that." I didn't lie, it is metal and it does help with some stuff but I'd be perfectly fine without it.

The doctor nodded and left the room without any other questions. "why'd you lie to him?" Aaron asked with a small smirk on his lips. "I didn't, I never said why or what it does specifically." I folded my arms as best I could with Blake right there. 

He nodded "smart" I stuck my tongue out at him childishly. I leaned back into Blake suddenly getting tired. Aaron held up some black remote and waved it in the air in front of my face. My eyes grew wide as I realized what it was. 

That a remote to control my upgrades, in other words control me. I knew Blake would just become even more confused if I fought against him to get it so I didn't even bother. "Aaron, where did you get that?" 

"Oh, once your father found out about your mate he was all too happy to give me this."

I glared at Aaron hoping that by just me glaring at him he'll go up in flames. He shivered under my cold stare. I gave him one of my best evil smirks and he shrunk taking a step back from me. "I knew it you are crazy and evil, no one would believe me!!!" he screamed. 

"My sweet and innocent mate? You've got to be joking" Blake held me closer to him as if trying to keep me away from Aaron and his crazy ideas. "No one here will believe you either have you ever heard of a Crazy and evil Luna, didn't think so. and guess what, my mate is an Alpha"

"Yea I got the whole Alpha mate business when I was walking over here with him." Aaron swatted the air in dismissal I smiled wildly as he left the room.

"I don't think I could have lasted any longer with him in the same room as us" I nodded "You and me both Blake, you and me both" 

I turned to face him and placed my forehead on his chest "Lillian?" I hummed "what are you doing?" I snuggled closer to him and closed my eyes "that" I whispered. 

He wrapped his arms around me and placed his chin gently on the top of my head. To be completely honest that was the most comfortable I've been in a while. 

I could have easily fallen asleep on him right then and there surrounded in his warmth and fiery tingles. The silence between us was comfortable and easy, we both had things to think about I suppose.

Nothing could have made this moment any better. I smiled into his chest and relaxed even more into him.

I could just tell that Blake was proud of himself, he wasn't very subtle with his little victory dance. I left it alone as I was pulled deeper into the darkness and for once it was peaceful.

"Come in Jessie, I wanna play in the snow!!!" I called in my little four year old squeaky voice.

"I'm coming!!" Jess was in a British phase, she said everything in a horrible posh British accent. Even at four I knew that's not what they talked like but I left it alone because I thought it was funny.

"Girls, you'd better not stay out there too long, two icicles can't have hot chocolate" Father was so nice back then I got to have a childhood for a while. I lived it to the fullest potential without even realizing it.

I giggled and raced Jess outside, we ran around and played in the snow for as long as we could.

I smiled at the memory the few memories I had of before second grade, when it all happened, were always my favorite to remember.

"Hey sleeping beauty" A soft voice said as a hand ran through my hair feeling it's softness.

I hummed and snuggled closer to the form relishing in the fiery tingles.

I was on a soft bed with a warm comforter on top of me, definitely not a hospital bed. As I gained more and more consciousness I noticed Blake's scent was all over the bed. He put me in his bed? Why?

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