chapter fifteen

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The sunlight shined into my face. I rolled over to try and escape its rays only to fall off the bed. Pain spread throughout my shoulder. I stretched my arms out, groaning as the pain grew worse.

I slowly stood and looked around at the empty room. It didn't look like Blake's but it held his faint scent. He must have given me my own room without my knowledge.

I walked into the bathroom and stripped off my clothing once the door closed. I froze in front of the mirror. I stared at my faded scars, I had never seen them before as I always thought I would hate the way I looked with them but I looked amazing. The scars showed what I had been through.

They were barely noticeable and gave my skin more highlight than anything else. They gave it definition, a story, they held my story in their seemingly careless lines in seemingly random places.

Each line on my skin was the placement of something that had been forced into me, mostly silver upgrades giving me an advantage over most werewolves.

I tore my gaze away from the mirror and hopped in the shower. Cleaning and scrubbing my skin and hair quickly I realized that I had been wearing the same thing the entire time I had been here. I shuddered at the realization.

I hopped out of the shower and dried off. I could only hope that my bag had made its way into my room.  I left the bathroom and went to what I assumed was the closet.

Sure enough because this is a werewolf book, my bag is in there with Blake's scent all over it. I silently wondered if he went through it. I could pretend to be horrified at the fact that everything I own is in the bag, but I just didn't care.

I threw on a shirt and some jeans and left the closet.

I found a note on the bed waiting for me:

Lillian meet me in my office ASAP we need to discuss something about your old pack


I stuck the note in my back pocket just in case I needed it to verify I was actually supposed to be in there. I walked towards his office, something I had done a lot of in this past month that he was out. Why did he want to know about my old pack, better yet what did he want to know about my old pack.

When I reached the door I knocked "come in Lillian" his gruff voice sent shivers down my spine. I opened the door hesitantly. "You wanted to see me?" My suspicious voice sounded foreign to my ears.

"Yes, what do you know about a siren?" By the look on his face I knew he was in full Alpha mode. "Have you spoken to Jessica?" He nodded "what do you know?"

He sighed and motioned for me to sit down so I did. He ran a hand through his hair. "She told me that siren is a person in her pack that rarely ever makes an appearance.  Siren apparently kills without mercy. That's about all I know"

I nodded, Jessica didn't know much. "Give me your wrist" he hesitated before placing it in my hand. "Siren has one of these in each wrist, I know because my father wanted to turn me into Siren. Her eyes glow red and have ever since a child. She wasn't born like that, she was turned into that by my father."

I spoke quietly keeping my voice as neutral as possible, which was hard considering what we were talking about. "Why do you want to know about her?" He sighed and ran his hand through his hair again.

"They want Siren back, apparently she disappeared and came here." He wouldn't meet my gaze. "And?" "They threatened your life if we didn't give her up" he lifted his head. His eyes were full of unshed tears "I can't lose you"

I walked around his huge desk to him. I caressed his cheek and kissed the top of his head "you won't lose me Blake I promise with everything I have, you will never lose me" unless you do something stupid like cheat.

He wrapped his arms around my waist and placed me on his lap. He buried his face in my neck breathing in my scent deeply. I gently played with his hair when he froze.

I could tell he was debating with his inner wolf whether or not to mark me. "Can I?" He asked the question so quietly I almost couldn't hear him.

Do I want him to? One half of me said just do it already while the other said but what about your father wanting you back? I was torn. I wanted to be selfish and let him but the thought of him hurting because I had to leave with my father kept me form doing it.

I didn't even know that I had spaced out until I felt a sharp pain in my neck that told me that he had made the decision for me. I gripped his shirt in my hands not wanting my blades to shoot out because of the pain.

I sighed when the pain turned into pleasure. Its over. I felt his tongue lap up the blood that remained. I looked him in the eye worried that  the silver that had made it's way into my blood might hurt him.

I kissed his lips softly tasting the amount of silver in the blood that he just it in his system.  That's probably not healthy.

When I tried to get up off of him  his arms tightened around my waist forcing me to stay put. I giggled at his stubbornness, wait giggled?

The door flew open causing me to jump "Alpha they're here!" Alex said with concern his eyes wide. Blake lost his playful nature in a snap. "What do you mean they're here?"

"I mean the Alpha is on our doorstep and asking to be let in" Blake was getting angrier by the second.

"Do you trust me?" I stared into Blake's eyes daring him to say no.

"Of course I do"

"then let him in, just him"

"Have you lost your mind?! No!"

"Just trust me, I know what I'm doing"

Blake looked at me like I was crazy, and maybe I am but at least I knew what I was talking about. He eyed me as if trying to find out if I was bluffing or not.

Of course, he didn't find anything so he nodded slowly "alright fine, let him in"

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