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Violet POV

The wedding went by as smooth as butter. The sun was starting to set when all hell broke loose.

"Alpha alpha alpha, calm down, we are your guests here, you are supposed to treat us with the utmost respect and you should just listen to what I say, it is not wrong." A man's mocking voice said.

I pushed past people to see what all the commotion was about. Ian stood in the center of the crowd, with another young alpha in front of him. The other alpha had dirty blonde hair with deep dimples. He was cute but also stupid. He was getting Ian angry, and it was careless to get another alpha angry on their land.

"Who is that?" I asked Alana, sneaking up behind her.

"That's Stephan, before he was alpha of red sky pack, he was my childhood best friend, a real boy, as you can see."

"Why is he getting on Ian like that?"

"Well let's just say, your mate's rejection just got out..and Stephan likes to make a big deal of small situations not that your situation is small it's just that he is a real trouble maker. Cocky one at that. He is going to start a fight. But I am going to stop them."

With that, Alana walked forward into the center of the argument. She stopped to face Stephan," Steph what are you doing! Can you just get along for one day?"

"Sorry Al but someone needs to teach the northern wolves some manners did you hear what he did to his mate, he chose another over her."

Collective gasps were heard through the crowd.

Members of both packs, shudders of disgust.
Ian's pack was stunned not believing what this border pack Alpha just said.

"Why are you so worried about my life Stephan." Ian gritted through his teeth.

"You made me want to ruin your life from the time you killed members from my pack in cold blood," Stephan growled back.

Just as Stephan took an intimidating step forward, he stopped, his eyes glazing over. Before he took a step back. Turning to his pack he spoke.

"We are under attack back home by rogues, they are coming in all directions, they need us back right now."

With that he turned into his wolf, nodding at Ian before he took off running, his whole pack behind him.

I don't know what made me turn towards Alana but thankfully I did, it looks like her knees were going to give up, I rushed towards her catching her in mid-fall," Alana? What are you doing?"

This caught Dave's attention. As he ran towards me pulling Alana into his arms.

"My parents, my family? I need to go."Alana stood up. "You can't go, Alana.."Dave mumbled in her hair.

"I can't do anything, that's my home." By the look on Dave's face, you could see that he was battling with himself.

"Don't worry Alana, I will go and protect you- our family," Dave said cupping his hand around her face.

"No wolf from my pack is giving their life to a border wolf."

Immediately all our eyes snapped towards Ian, "they are not the trustworthy kind and will be the first to sacrifice us to protect their own."

"I am a border wolf, Ian, but I sacrificed my life for this pack, so why can't you sacrifice yourself for mine?" Alana's eyes were blurred by tears as she spoke.

"You no longer belong to that pack."

My phone, buzzed in my hands, taking my attention away from the scene in front of me.

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