Fighting him

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Violet POV

I closed my eyes. Waiting for impact. The impact that never comes.

Midair I was caught.

Hands-on my waists and lips to my cheek.


He removed his hands from my waist and turned me around to face him.

He just stared at me. His green eyes calculating and his face is set in a solid straight expression.

I tried again to get him talking but he cut me off with just a couple of words.

"Don't worry about it Violet, I just wanted to get a reaction from Ian."

Brief. To the point.
That's how Xander is, a man of a few words. He looks like he is always having an internal conversation, an internal battle with himself only for him to have a couple of words leaving his mouth.

"I guessed it worked."

I almost thought I saw a smirk tug on his lips, but just as it came it vanished and the same straight facade was back on.

A deafening growl sounded through the forest. Causing the birds to leave the surrounding trees and even cause me to tremble back.

"Xander remove your paws from my mate."

Ian's power was surging through his body. He truly confused me. And this angered me. I hate not knowing what's going on in people's minds.
One minute he is so caught up with Aimee and hating on me ....the next minute he is screaming at other alphas for holding me.

"Quite down Ian. You are in my land and will not disrespect me. I am asking you to take it elsewhere or else." Jace started to breathe heavily and I could tell his wolf was scratching the surface, ready to come undone and protect his land.
Jace always was someone who trusted easily. A fun-loving guy that could turn deadly within an instant.

But then there is Xander. I still couldn't tell the type of person he truly was. He seemed very closed and silent. Yet he is the one to start conversations with me. He seemed cold and calculative but at the same time someone I could turn to for help....maybe that's because he was always there to help me.

"Is that a threat?" Ian growled turning his attention away from us and towards Jace.

"Consider it a warning."

"I could beat your hide right now if you want pup and then we won't have the trouble of doing this on your land." More power if possible started to roll of Ian. His eyes started to turn a dark shade of red and his canines slowly started to make an appearance.

"Is that a threat to my land and my title?" Jace asked, increasing the power rolling off him in retaliation to Ian.

"Consider it a warning."

Both the alphas started a growling match. Yet the Alpha next to me remained deadly silent just watching the scene unfold.

"Ian you can not fight for land or dethrone an alpha without the council and the proper arrangements you know that so just stop what you are doing and let's talk about this like normal people," Dave responded from Ian's right, clutching his pregnant wife behind him.

Ian turned and gave a full-on canine smirk to Dave. " I know, just wanted to let him know I am not afraid."

I didn't know where this conversation would go. And in all honestly, I wasn't starting to feel too good either.
I woke up just a couple of hours ago from a dead sleep. Not having a wolf in me, cause this very empty hole within me. It felt like never-ending nausea, like some part of me was missing, something that took a piece of my heart and replaced it with a giant rock on my chest making it more difficult to breathe. A wolf I was born with that I might die without.

"What do you want Ian."

I could not have this argument carry on knowing that it would end in chaos. I could feel my heartbeat increasing and a hot wave spread through my body. Dizziness joining me soon after.

"I want to speak to you My mate, in private." He seethed out the words. A hint of order behind them, causing his pack members to turn and leave the grounds, leaving me alone with two hot-headed alpha males and one alpha male who seemed to be watching this whole ordeal like his favorite series was on after a season's break.

"I would like to speak to her alone Alphas."

"I would never leave her alone with you after everything you did to her," Jace growled out taking a step over.

"Everything I did?" Ian let out a dry-humored laugh," you got her into a coma, you took something away from her that she dreamed of having, something that she always wanted something that I am sure you promised to never take away from her..: you did...hence you are to a reason."

Shocked is an understatement, I didn't realize Ian knew so much about me.

"Is you hadn't rejected her, her body would have been stronger ya handle it-."

"Just go Jace ." I stopped Jace from whatever he was going to say..knowing that neither I nor Ian would have liked what he would have said next.

"Xander you go to," I whispered knowing fully well he would listen.

''Fine Vio, ill go, but I'm will keep watch, I don't trust this man with you."

Both the alphas disappeared within the wind leaving me alone with Ian.

"I'm happy to see you ok."

I nodded.
" How did you know so much about me and my want for the title.."

"Before I met you, Viola used to talk about you a lot. Your perseverance and your want ...need to be a PW."

I nodded

"Listen, Violet, I am so sorry, I was complete rubbish, I understand if you angry with me...just please come back with me, be my Luna, rule beside me. I almost lost it when I heard what happened. I couldn't face it! I didn't want to think it was real. That's why I didn't want Viola to come. It would have made everything so real. I just messed up everyone's lives with this mistake. I am so sorry-"

"You should be sorry Ian, you should be very well damned pissed at yourself. The one person that the goddess has chosen for you. The Goddess Ian, she has chosen me for you and you didn't want that." I could see him about to object," no I take that back, you wanted me, as a side mistress, as someone to just to produce your heir, that's it. But now that your secret of Aimee not being your true Luna, you are running back to me."

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes trying to damper the dizziness.

"Do you want me back for you or the power of your pack?"

I avoided my eyes and that gave me my answer.

"I will not return with you, this is my home."

"You can't stay here, you are my mate, you won't be able to live under the rule of Emma ."

I completed ignored the latter of his answer.

"I am not you mate Ian."

He stalked towards me, placing his hand on my cheek.

"Feel that Violet, it's the sparks, the electricity flowing between us."

"I don't feel anything Ian."

"Don't lie to me Violet, how can you not feel this."

I took a deep breath.

"I can not feel it, because I do not have a wolf."

And with that, I took one last look into his grey eyes before clouds of black encircled me.

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