Lone Wolf

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Violet POV

Perfectly symmetrical
Was that even possible
Could God be so cruel to women by making a man so beautiful.
He face was so perfect, two green eyes hooded under a deep brow ridge. Perfect cheekbones that I have to contour to get, big plump kissable....

He snapped his fingers in front of me.

"Hey Wakey Wakey ...you've been staring at me for quite a while take a picture it will last longer.

I pushed Xander's hand away from my face..we ended up taking a seat at the tables...ordering something to drink and America's favorite Bar food...chicken wings.

"What are you doing here Xander?"

He looked up through his lashes at me before looking back down at the table, drawing imaginary things with his hand on the table.

"Your a clever one Violet. America , South Africa or Tokyo... yet you are here in Europe...I thought I was your closest furthest person. You could trust me."

Xander sent me a smirk before slouching in his seat.

"Your clever Xander, I went to South Africa then caught a flight here." I stopped and looked at him, " but you knew that cause here you are...and you sent Shane to the academy."

He smirked, " I am an Alpha, I have my ways...you do kick some pretty good ass though," he spoke before whispering under his breathe, " and a perfect ass to."

"What was that Partner?"

Xander laughed, " I was just thinking about how you can speak so much now but four years ago you were so quiet."

I leaned forward and rested my head in my hands looking straight into Xander's green eyes, something I couldn't do before ...since it was disrespectful but I'm not a wolf so I don't care, I studied Xander's eyes as I spoke , " and weren't you supposed to be the alpha of a little words, yet you speak so much."

"Only for you." He bit back.

I swear I felt my heart skip a beat but as soon as it did i fought it to stop. I couldn't let this happen . I won't.

"So how did you find me?" I ask truly curious.

He took a bite of his wing before wiping his lips on the back of his shirt sleeve, " I was visiting a European pack then started to head home, Beta Shane wanted to scope the surrounding towns for his mate, so while he did that the rest of us hit the club, and that is when I found a beauty."

I laughed, " I think you had to much to drink Xander...your being awfully nice." I knew that wasn't possible as the amount of drink he had was not nearly enough to make a wolf especially an Alpha drunk.

"Tell me more about your life here."

"Well it seems like you know a lot, since you got Shane to train us today...but yea since you already know, I am becoming an Agent ....similar to the FBI or CIA but more down low....I also have a partner , we are going to go on cases together and have contrasting abilities...her name is Ci-"

My eyes glanced through the window to the pharmacy across the street.


"Is that a question?" I was pulled out of my thoughts by Xander.

"No that's my Partner Cierra...she was supposed to be by her sisters across town...but she just walked out of a pharmacy"

I got up and quickly and left the club walking straight across the road to Cierra.


Shocked was an understatement...upon hearing my voice Cierra dropped the package in her hand causing everything to fly all over the pavement.

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