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Violet POV

Not edited

Previously on TBA

"Great so now that you both made up...are you going to tell me what really happened in the north?" Cam asked.I just glared at him.
"What do you mean what really happened in the north?" Jace asked.
"Viola just said that something happened with Violet in the north and we should just be careful with what we say to her. And then today she referred to Stephan as alpha Stephan but referred to alpha Ian as Ian not alpha Ian so something is going on there."
"Damn do you not have a filter..."I muttered."
"Violet you know you can talk to us."
"And I will."
"WHEN?" They both asked simultaneously.
When I am ready
"Tomorrow at breakfast."
Oh what have I gotten myself into.


I don't know what's wrong with me I have been missing breakfast this whole week, just because I didn't want to meet people. I was never the social butterfly but I never thought I will be skipping food just to avoid people. Yet here I am on the training grounds training six year old instead of stuffing my face with a home made omelette .

"Violet!" I scrunched my face up knowing that hell was going to break loose.

I turned and smiled at my approaching alpha and beta.

"Cameron , Jace hey, how are you?" I asked fake smiling.

"Cut the crap you need to tell us something." Cam said standing in front of me.

"You told us you will tell us this morning."

I smiled," nope I told you that I will tell you at breakfast...I didn't come to breakfast so I don't have to tell you, now can you please move I am trying to train our future warriors ." I exclaimed tightening my ponytail.

"Go home children your lesson is cancelled today, I need to have a word with your teacher." Jace stated using his alpha tone before tuning back to me. He set the basket that he was carrying down. " I knew you were going to pull a trick like that so I decided to bring breakfast to you."

I stared down at the basket filled with breakfast sandwiches and juices.

"Why do you want to know so badly." I asked ..they were going to find out today and nothing was going to stop them.

"Because you and Viola always tell us everything but suddenly now what ever happened you both can't tell us, we want to protect you Violet, yes your my pack warrior but your also my like my sister and I want you to come to me if you have any trouble." Jace said staring at him, his grey eyes almost searching mine for my answer.

"Are you in trouble with the werewolf council?" He asked.

"Or are you pregnant?" Cam asked quickly.

Both Jace and I turned to look at him," no you idiot, both of you no."

I opened my mouth to speak but shut it again tuning towards Cameron, " pregnant?! Really?"

He shuttles his shoulders and picked up a sandwich.

"I understand that your worried but I am afraid to tell you besides, I know it will trigger your protectiveness and then hell will reign." I reply.

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