Alpha James

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Violet POV

"You sure you want to do this again Violet?"

Alpha Stephan and I were standing in front of his private jet alone. For an young alpha he seemed pretty certain that my plan to run away without saying goodbye was stupid and childish.

"I have to Stephan, I think I might have just ruined my relationships with the person I wanted one with most."

"Life isn't just about Alpha Xander , your family and friends are here."

I bit back, did everyone now know about Alpha Xander and I.

"I'm not running away because of Xander or Ian or anyone."

He laughed, " I have the room next to you and Cierra , this past weekend I heard a lot especially today, cold by the way."

"Cierra is moving here, I have to go go back for some formalities, leaving in the middle of the night when no one knows seems like the best ... I don't have to say goodbye."

Formalities were just an excuse. I really didn't know how to face Xander, I didn't mean it in that way. I would stay for him if he asked.
But he kisses me and leaves. I honestly don't know what he wants and even if I did, would I be able to fill the shoes of Ella? His mate.

Stephan growled, " yea well actually, you are running away from your problems again!"

I wanted to shout back. Alpha Stephan had no right to accuse me of running away from my problems, he does not know what I am going through. I don't even know what I am going through. I feel like I'm just complicating my life even more but I can't stop.

"Please Stephan."

He rolled his eyes and then it glazed over.

"The pilot is ready, you should be going."

I hugged the alpha thanking him before taking off and walking towards the plane.

"Your a very lucky girl Violet, don't forget that. You have four Alphas wrapped around your fingers. And I swear if the scary man wasn't into you I would take you myself."

I shot him a look.

" with your permission of course..." he rushed out.

I smiled at the alpha.

"Thank you Alpha Stephan, Goodbye."

I knew I shouldn't do this, I know it's wrong. But this time I am not going forever, maybe just a little while. Until everything is sorted here , till everyone has moved on.

I boarded the plane and slowly it started to travel down the runway.

Until I heard a load growl, so loud it cause the planes windows to shudder as if we were in the storm. A cold chill ran through me causing tiny goosebumps to erupt along my arm.

I looked out the nearest window to see a man, in only pajama pants standing in safe distance from the plane, his eyes a burning red.

I closed my eyes. I didn't need to see him clearly to know who he was...

"Goodbye Xander. Goodbye for now." I whispered.


I was immediately greeted by much more colder European air as I jumped of Alpha Stephan's plane and sent it back home.

Winter here was something else. Cold wet and white.
I left the airport and headed straight to the agency where both teressa and James were there to welcome me with open arms.

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