Chapter One

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Summer's POV:

On a cool September morning I was walking down the streets of Manhattan. I had no destination in mind, I was just walking. My boyfriend, Ryan, and I had just had another nasty fight and I was in desperate need for some time alone to sit with my thoughts. I had stopped in at my favorite coffee shop and was seated at the bar in front of the window, my face buried in my hands. "Excuse me, is this seat taken?" I heard a woman ask. All I could manage to do was shake my head, I couldn't bring myself to look up. I heard the stool next to me screech across the floor, and could feel the woman's presence next to me. After a long, silent moment I felt a hand lightly touch my back. "I'm sorry... I just have to ask, are you okay?" I recognized the voice, but was unsure of why. I slowly lifted my head and looked at the woman to see a pair of bright green eyes staring back at me. I knew this woman. "I... Ga-Gaga?" I asked, absolutely dumbfounded. She looked at me a bit caught off guard for a moment, "Well... I, yeah. It's me. Please don't freak out!" I shook my head with a small smile, "I won't... Not on the outside at least, inside I'm dying." She smiled brightly. "So you're a fan, huh?" She asked. I nodded shyly. "A little monster. Have been since 2008." She cocked her head, "Back to my question, are you okay?" I looked down, "Y-Yeah. I'm fine!" I lied forcing a smile. "You know, a smile can only hide so much when there's tear stains on your face." She whispered. "What? Shit." I mumbled, covering my face quickly. "Now, stop that." She said, gently pulling my hands away, "It's perfectly okay to cry dear." I looked up at her, eclectic emotions racing through my head. Was Lady Gaga really holding my hand? "What's your name?" She asked cheerily. "Summer." I murmured, trying to stop shaking. "Okay Summer, pretty name." She said. I looked out the window for a moment and smiled, "Thank you." "Only fitting for such a pretty girl to have a pretty name to match." My eyes shot up, and I felt jolted by her compliment, and the way she said it. "Thank you." I said again. "You're so welcome." She replied, letting it fall silent for a moment. "Do you come here often?" She asked, causing me to let out a laugh. "Nice line there." I said, immediately hoping she wasn't offended. "Sorry, that was pretty bad. I just lost my words when I looked into your eyes." I felt myself tense up, once again jolted by her compliment. "Hey, I know this is very sudden and forward, but why don't you come back to my place with me. Let's talk." She said, grabbing ahold of my arm. I looked at her with astonishment, trying to comprehend what was going on, but finally gave in to her begging with a nervous smile. She dragged me a few blocks until we arrived at what I assumed was her apartment building. We went up to the eighth floor and down a long corridor until we got to apartment 828c. Once we got inside she sat me down on the couch, went and made a pot of tea, and then sat next to me. "So, what's the matter honey?" She asked, staring intently into my eyes. "I... It's just..." I searched my brain for the words to say, but simply could not find them. "Come on, please tell me?" Gaga begged, taking a sip of her tea. I smiled, hearing the clink of her diamond in the bottom of her cup. "Well... It's a long story." I managed to say. "I've got time." She said, her facial expression making me smile. "Okay um... basically... It's just... My boyfriend and I had a huge fight." She nodded, furrowing her eyebrows. "I see. Is there anything I can do to help?" I looked at her, surprise written all over my face. "Why... I mean, don't take this the wrong way... But why do you even care?" She shrugged, "Because you're a little monster, and I love you." I smiled to myself. "Well, I don't think there's anything you can do. Him and I just don't work together. I don't think I feel anything with him. There just seems to be nothing there anymore." "You think?" She asked. I shrugged. "Well, let's see." She said, scooting closer. "Wha-" before I could get the word out Gaga had pressed her lips against mine. At first I just sat there frozen, but after a minute I gave in and began to kiss back. All too quickly, Gaga pulled away. "Feel anything?" She asked with a smile. "I... Uhm... Yeah... What was that?" I asked still at a loss for words. She shrugged again and smirked, "If you don't feel that spark with him, then you shouldn't be with him." I sat speechless for a moment, blushing. "Wait..." I finally brought myself to say, "So are you implying there was a spark between us?" She nodded with a sly smile, "Yes I am. You can't deny it either." I bit my lip nervously as Gaga leaned in close to me again. "To tell you the truth, I care because you're a fan, and I care because you're a person and you're hurting but also... I think you're incredibly sexy." She whispered hoarsely, making my heart skip multiple beats. Our lips touched again and I swear I felt fireworks. It was a soft and gentle kiss at first but it quickly turned passionate. Gaga pushed me back, and laid herself on top of me, never breaking the kiss. Her tongue brushed my bottom lip asking for permission to enter, and my lips instinctively opened. Just as I was beginning to feel complete bliss, my phone started to ring. "I am so sorry!" I said sitting up, and pulling it out of my bag. "H-Hello?" I asked, still flustered. "Where the fuck are you? Come home now!" I heard Ryan yell. "I... Okay. Okay! I'm sorry." I whispered weakly, hanging up the phone. "I gotta go." I said, starting to slip my shoes on. "What? Already? But, we were just getting started..." I shook my head, "This was a mistake Gaga... I... It can't happen again." "It was no mistake, Summer. It was perfect. You are perfect." I smiled at the ground as Gaga pushed a piece of my black hair behind my ear. "Can I have your number?" she asked, her expression turning a bit sad. I nodded slowly. She handed me her phone and I punched my number in. "I'll see you soon?" she asked hopefully. I nodded again, "I guess." She gave me one last tight hug, and placed her lips on mine again. After that I turned and walked out starting my walk home.

I got home and walked in the door to find Ryan waiting right there for me. "Where have you been?" he asked angrily. "I just went for a walk." I replied dryly, trying to push past him. He grabbed my wrist tightly and spun me back around, "What the hell is all over your mouth?" I looked in the mirror and gasped, seeing Gaga's red lipstick smeared on my lips. I tried to pry his hand off my wrist, but he only tightened his grip. "Were you kissing somebody?" he yelled. I shook my head, "No, it's mine. It probably just smeared because I was crying." I lied. He squinted at me, clearly calling bullshit. "No. You were kissing someone. Who?" "Okay, okay. Ryan, it wasn't like that. I met Lady Gaga, while I was in that coffee shop on the corner that I like and-" he rolled his eyes. "Here we go talking about this bitch again. You met her huh? Were you kissing her?" I looked down at the ground and nodded. "Really?!" I could hear the anger seething in his voice. "It wasn't like that though baby, it was just like one kiss. Just because I'm a fan, that's all it was." "You're a slut!" he yelled, slapping me in the face. "I'm so sorry Ryan, but it wasn't like that. Please calm down." He looked at me, and his eyes were unreadable. He delivered one harsh blow to my face. "No, that's not good enough. You are not to be with anyone who's not me. You should not be alone with anyone. Much less kissing them." He grabbed a fist of my hair and held my face close to his. "Do you understand me?" I nodded cautiously, pain radiating as I did so.  He threw me to the ground, and kicked me twice in the stomach. "If you ever do this to me again, you'll wish you hadn't." He spat at me as he walked away, and I just laid there. Wishing I was anywhere but with him.

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