Chapter Four

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Gaga's POV:

I woke up around 8 am and quickly checked my phone to see if Summer had texted me yet. I saw she hadn't, which caused my brain to worry a little, but I decided to get up and focus on making breakfast. I made extra of everything, hoping Summer would be coming soon. In all it took me about twenty minutes and when I checked my phone again she'd texted saying she was on her way. I cleaned up the living room a bit, and turned the tv onto our favorite channel, wanting to make sure everything was ready for her to come and relax. When I finally got the text telling me to buzz her up, I waited eagerly by the door for her to knock. I opened the door with a bright smile, seeing her smiling back at me. "Good morning angel." I closed the door behind her, and motioned for her to go sit on the couch while I went to get our breakfast out of the kitchen. "Gaga, you didn't have to do all this" She said with a smile as I sat the plates down. "Oh but I wanted to, you deserve to have a relaxing day." A bit of a guilty look entered her face, and I met her eyes, trying to non verbally see what she was thinking. She got the message and sighed, "I just feel bad. He thinks I'm out working extra shifts every day, but instead I'm here. Relaxing with you." I shot her a look and laughed. "Summer, baby, he hurts you. Quite frankly I don't care what lies you're telling him, he deserves it. Any lie you tell is just getting you away from him, which is a good thing. You know that right?" She nodded, but I could still see doubt in her eyes. As I was sitting analyzing her facial expressions I started to notice a dark spot under her makeup. "Summer... Is that a new bruise?" I asked, causing her to stop in her tracks. "Uh... Yeah." She answered solemnly. I closed my eyes tightly, feeling physical disgust at the sight of it. "When?" I asked. "Last night." She replied. We both became silent for a minute, and I felt anger and sadness build up inside me. "Why didn't you tell me? You don't have to hide that from me." I said, lifting her chin up. "I know," she whispered, "but I just... don't want to bother you with it." I involuntarily rolled my eyes at that statement. "Summer, you will never once be bothering me with that. Ever." I stopped, but quickly thought of something to add, "In fact, you will never be a bother to me in general, and I really just hope you know that, because it's fucking true." She looked up at me with big eyes, and I could see tears welling up. "Gaga I'm just so tired. I can't do this anymore. I can't deal with him anymore." My heart broke as I watched her fall apart in front of me, and I knew there was very little I could do about it. "I can take you. Right now. Summer, we can go to your apartment and get your things and you never have to go back there ever again." She looked at me again, but shook her head. "I can't. I can't do that to you yet. We still have two weeks of September left, and our checklist isn't completely done yet." I shook my head, grabbing her hands. "No, I don't care! Summer, I don't care. That doesn't matter anymore, if you can't handle it we'll get you out right now." She shook her head, "No, no. I've dealt with this for so many years. I can handle two more weeks. Our bank accounts are going to be separated in a couple days, I've been saving up money, and will have even more in two weeks. I'm already putting you out so much with this, I refuse to anymore by not having money."  I nodded, accepting that she wasn't ready to make the move yet, but I wasn't going to let her argument slide either. "Okay, but Summer. You. Are. Not. Putting. Me. Out. I can't wait to have you here. I can't wait for you to be mine. Money is not even slightly a concern." "But Gaga, you just met me. If circumstances were different, then our reality would be we've been dating for two weeks, this is all still so very new, and I guarantee me moving in with you wouldn't even be on the table. So I still want to make things right and fair because you're doing a lot for me, and you're taking a risk for me." I scooted so that I was sitting right in front of her, and gently took her hands in to mine. "Maybe you're right. IF circumstances were different, then we probably wouldn't be doing this. But they aren't. We have the circumstances we have, and I'm more than okay with that. To be totally honest with you, I felt a spark between us the first time we ever looked at each other, and I have nothing but faith in this, in us. I get that it's all rushed, and it's still very new, but I'm okay with it. I'm happy with it. I'm happy with you. I know it's only been two weeks but Summer, I love you." She seemed to be caught off guard by my last statement, but she still managed a smile. "I love you too, Gaga. For me it's not so sudden though because... I've been a fan for a long time. I've always loved you." I smiled, "Well I'm glad it worked out that way then, because you loving me is all I need in this world right now. I told you this the first day, and I'll say it again today. None of this is a mistake. It's perfect." We laid for a while, letting the tv fill the silence as I held her tightly.

After both of our emotions leveled out we finished our breakfast, and went about our day. Tara stopped by in the early afternoon to pick up the makeup she'd left at my house, and I was able to introduce her to Summer. Oddly enough, they already knew each other through social media, and I got the joy of watching my love and best friend interact in such a personable way. There were moments in conversations where I found myself feeling left out of something they were going on about, but it made my heart so warm to see. "Gaga, can Tara stay for dinner?" Summer asked, coming up behind me in the kitchen. I turned around just as she wrapped her arms around me tightly. "Of course! I would love that babe." I said, caressing her. "What time do you have to be at work?" She sighed, pulling away and grabbing a slice of cucumber off the counter. "Seven." I nodded, "Alright, well I should have dinner done by 5:30 and then we can eat, and Tara and I can drop you off?" She nodded, with a smile which I took as a yes. She went back out to the living room with Tara, and I saw her phone sitting on the counter lit up. I glanced down at it to see Ryan had texted her. The texts were in all caps and I frantically tried to decide whether to tell her about them, or let her enjoy her day just a little bit longer. I tried to just ignore it and go back to cooking, but he started to try to call her too, and I got a little panicked and decided she should know. I walked out into the living room to see her and Tara laughing at something on Tara's phone, and felt so upset knowing I was about to ruin the good vibe. "Summer, can you come here real quick?" I asked, causing her to look up. She followed me and I handed her her phone, "Ryan's been blowing your phone up..." She grabbed her phone from my hand and started to frantically scroll through the messages. "Shit..." She whispered, immediately piquing my curiosity. I just sat and watched her patiently, waiting for her to elaborate. "Shit, he came to see me at work and I wasn't there... Oh god... Gaga... Fuck. What do i do? He's going to kill me, what do I do." She started to shake violently, and I quickly took her phone out of her hand and wrapped her in my arms. "Breathe baby, breathe. You have to breathe." I counted out loud, trying to get her to breathe with it but she overall just continued to panic. Tara came over, confused as to what was going on, but still tried to help me calm her down. It took about fifteen minutes but I was finally able to get her breathing normally again, and I had her sitting on the kitchen floor. I picked her phone up, and squatted down next to her. "Just tell him you were at lunch, or had to run an errand or something. Okay? You'll be there in just a couple hours, so tell him your boss let you go to grab some groceries or something." She shakily took her phone out of my hand and nodded. It hurt me to see her so shaken up, and it hurt me to know that there would probably be repercussions when she went home later. I was getting so sick of knowing he could be hurting her, and not really being able to do much about it.

I never saw what she actually sent to him, but she disappeared to call him for a little while, and came back seemingly calmer. If anything was wrong, she did a pretty good job at hiding it the rest of the night. After we ate dinner I had my driver take the three of us to Summer's work so we could drop her off,  and I had a hard time letting Summer out of our hug before she got out of the car. I didn't want to let her go. I didn't want her to go to her "home" after work. I wanted to keep her safe with me forever.

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