Chapter Three

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Summer's POV:

I woke up and rolled over to see Ryan sprawled out on over half the bed. I carefully slipped out from under his arm, and headed to the bathroom to get dressed. Today marked one week with Gaga, and it had flown by as if it had been one day. I brushed my teeth, and did my makeup trying to be as quiet as possible. I didn't want Ryan to wake up before I left. When I walked out of the bathroom he was still snoring, so I tiptoed over to the closet to find something to wear. I had just put my t-shirt on and was pulling my leggings off the shelf when I felt a hand reach around my waist. "Good morning baby." Ryan whispered in my ear, rubbing his hand along my waist line. "Uh... H-Good morning." I stumbled, trying to remove myself from his grip. "Where do you think you're going exactly?" He asked as I successfully pulled away from him and put on my pants. "I told my boss I'd pick up a couple day shifts. I'll be gone for a while." I replied swiftly moving past him out of the closet, not wanting to be stuck in such a small space with him. "Did you ask me if you could do that?" He asked in a cold harsh tone. I knew I shouldn't have used that excuse, but it was the only one I could have used that he couldn't have said no to. "No I... I didn't but he's desperate. He really needed me." I responded, grabbing my purse and trying to head toward the stairs. "Hey," He yelled after me, "Hey, did I say we were done with this conversation? Summer? Excuse me!" I tried to keep walking, knowing that nothing I could do would keep him from lashing out at me. I made it to the top of the stairs, but he was right behind me. He grabbed my arm and slammed me back harshly against the wall. "I didn't say you could leave yet, what the hell do you think you're doing?" His hot breath hit my face and I tried not to turn away. "Ryan, I-I'm just running late. Please." He stepped closer to me, pushing me back father against the wall. He had hold of my wrists and was pushing both my arms up above my head. He just stared at me for several moments, leaving my mind racing frantically. He finally let go of me, leaving my wrists throbbing and I turned to walk down the stairs. Before I could fully get out of his reach he smacked my ass, causing me to jump. I didn't stop or look back, I ran down the stairs and straight for the front door. I ran out of the apartment and didn't stop until I got to the elevator. Once I was outside and about half way down the block I was finally able to stop speed walking, but I couldn't get myself to stop shaking. When I finally arrived to Gaga's apartment I texted her that I was there, and waited outside for her to buzz me in. I got up to her apartment door, and knocked frantically still feeling shaken up. She opened the door, and the second I saw her face the composure I'd held the whole morning cracked, and I started shaking violently. A concerned look entered Gaga's face, and she pulled me inside, hugging me instantly. She walked me over to the couch, still never letting go of me, and squeezed me even tighter. "Just breathe." She whispered a few times, rubbing my back with her palm. After a few minutes I was able to calm down, and she sat me down, and grabbed me a blanket. "What happened love?" She asked, sitting next to me. "I tried to sneak out before he woke up this morning but I didn't make it in time. I told him I'd picked up some extra shifts at work and he got so mad because I hadn't asked him for permission first." I looked down and rubbed my wrist. Gaga's gaze followed mine, and she let out a small sad moan when she saw the fresh bruises. "Baby," She whispered, "I can't wait to get you out of there. You can't be there anymore." The room fell silent for a moment, as she pulled me into her and rocked me back and forth. "Have you talked to him about separating your bank accounts yet?" She asked, instantly causing my head to pound. "Honestly, no. I don't think he'll take it well." I felt her nod, "Probably not, which scares me. That's the first, and biggest step to getting away from him though." She reminded me. "I know Gaga. I'll talk to him about it tonight." "I wish I could keep you all to myself tonight." She stated, running her fingers through my hair. I allowed myself to smile, "Yeah, me too." It fell silent again as I contemplated whether or not to say my next thought. "It's so hard. Being here with you all day, and being so cared for and then going home to... him." She treated me so well, and it started to feel like a nightmare to have to go back home to Ryan every night. I'd go from being treated with so much love and respect and kindness to arriving home to darkness and violence. "I know baby. Soon enough though, you'll be free from him, and you'll be all mine." I felt her smile against the top of my head, causing me to smile as well. "I can't wait." I whispered. She began to stroke my arm with her hand, and rubbed circles into my tense shoulders. I looked up at her, and she placed a gentle kiss on my cheek, causing my heart to flutter. We stared at each other for a long moment, neither of us wanting to break the eye contact. I started to think I'd be lost in her eyes forever when she leaned over and kissed me. I felt the same spark I'd felt every other time before, and my heart started to race. "I want you." I whispered, leaning back into the couch. She got closer, and deepened the kiss, not yet closing the gap between us. "Are you sure this is something you can handle right now?" She asked me taking a break to breathe. I nodded, "Please, it's all I want." I whined, pulling her face back to mine. She still hadn't completely gotten on top of me yet, but was hovering and kissing me passionately. She reached around and grabbed my ass, causing me to moan. When she touched me my body didn't flinch the way it did with him. When she touched me I felt pure passion and fire. With him it just made me jump, or cower. I had been getting dangerously close to losing myself in my thoughts about Ryan when I felt Gaga move her lips down to my neck, and I was instantly snapped back into the present. "One more time, you're sure about this, right." She asked, immediately receiving a nod from me. She looked down at me with a wicked and loving smile before finally closing the distance between us.

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