Chapter Six

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Gaga's POV:

After Summer left to go back home I tried to busy myself getting my apartment cleaned up. I needed something to kill the hours until I was meeting her at Romero's. As I was cleaning the mess I'd made from breakfast, I realized she had left her favorite necklace sitting on the kitchen counter. I picked up it and gently ran my fingers across it, deciding to go set it in my bathroom, considering it was soon going to be her bathroom too. Just one more week, and then she was free. I was so ready to take her away from all the bad, and give her the beautiful life she deserved. The longer I'd known Summer the harder it was for me to be away from her, and at this point I didn't want to spend more than an hour without talking to her, so we texted back and forth the whole rest of the afternoon. She told me she was making spaghetti, and I giggled at the Italian in her shining through. "We're going to be an Italian power couple." I sent with a wink, earning me the laugh emoji in return. Most her responses were short, but I knew she was busy making dinner, so I put my phone down for a bit, and went to start getting ready. Once I had my makeup done, and my hair put up in a somewhat decent pony tail, I went back into my bedroom, and started looking through my drawers for things I could get rid of, or move so that Summer could have space for her stuff once she moved in. I'd made myself so busy that I almost didn't realize it was already six-thirty, and quickly rushed over to slip my shoes on. I started texting Summer again, making sure she was going to be ready to meet at seven, and waited for a response. I wasn't feeling very patient, and texted her a few more times. I never got a response from her, but I didn't fret, and had Peter call my SUV so I could head to Romero's. About two minutes into the ride I got a text from her saying, "sos" followed immediately by "i'm on my way." I was confused, but chose to stay calm, knowing she was on her way and I'd get to see her soon. When I arrived at Romero's I took a seat in our usual booth, and watched as Peter came and sat in the booth behind me. I waited for about five anxious minutes, before I finally saw my beautiful girl getting out of a cab, and walking towards the door. She looked flustered, but the moment she saw me her face relaxed into a small smile. "Hi baby." I said, standing up to hug her. She hugged me tightly, then sat down taking a deep breath. "Is everything okay?" She shrugged while she took a sip of the water I'd ordered her. "Well... Ryan um... He saw the article," She said, causing my stomach to drop, I was about to speak but I could tell she wasn't done yet, so I held my tongue. "And then he um... He took my phone, and was looking at our texts, he was really upset I text you so much. But I just told him we're friends, and he said I'm not allowed to have friends, but I just told him it wasn't a big deal and... I don't know Gaga. I ran away. I came here, and just ran out. I think he believed me though. I mean he wasn't as angry as I'd expect him to be." I nodded taking this new information in. "Mmm... I don't know Summer. He worries me so much. But if you think it'll be okay then... I trust you." She nodded, smiling at me, and I couldn't help but feel warm inside. "So how was your spaghetti?" I asked trying to shift the conversation. "Not too bad, if I say so myself." She replied. We sat and talked for a while, completely forgetting any unpleasantness of the day. We had just finished our coffees, and I was leaning into kiss her when we heard the bells on the door of the cafe clank against the door loudly. Summer pulled away from our kiss, looking over to the door and instantly widening her eyes. "Oh god she whispered." The man walked over to us briskly, and took a tight hold on her arm. "Summer, what the fuck do you think you're doing?" He said, barely above a whisper, but his tone was harsh. She just looked up at him with big eyes, beginning to shake, and I sat frozen, wanting nothing more than for him to leave. "Ryan, I-I sorr-" He yanked her up, cutting her sentence short, and got right up in her face. "Are you fucking kidding me?" She yelped, as his grip on her arm got tighter, "Please let go of me." She squeaked. "No, you're never allowed to see her again. You better kiss this shit goodbye. I ought to lock you in our apartment forever, you stupid bitch." He continued as he began to pull her out of the restaurant. She looked back at me with big, scared eyes, and I saw her twist herself out of his grip, and run back over to me. "Gaga, I don't know what to do." She said shakily, taking hold of my arms. "Listen, you're leaving. Tonight. This is enough. I'm coming to get you tonight, in a couple hours when he's asleep, okay?" She looked nervous, and his foot steps grew louder as he got closer. "Just pack a bag of your important stuff, and I'll be there by 10." She nodded, just as he reached her, and pulled her with him again. "Stay strong." I mouthed, as I watched him take my love away.

I went back to my apartment, and tried to keep myself busy for two grueling hours. All I wanted was to go get Summer out of that place, but I knew I had to wait until Ryan was asleep. I watched the clock, only making the time go by slower, and contemplated texting her, but I knew that was probably a bad idea. I hated having no way of knowing what was going on, and I almost cracked under the stress of waiting for those two hours. When it got to 9:55 I told Peter to call the SUV, and slipped on my shoes and purse as he did so. The drive to her apartment complex seemed to last forever, and I was incredibly relieved when I saw the building was finally within walking distance. Peter followed me up to her floor, and I knocked on the door lightly. I didn't hear an answer, which scared me, so I knocked again, a bit louder. Still nothing. I looked at Peter with distress written all over my face when I heard a thud from inside. "We have to get in there." I said frantically, begging him to do something. He hesitated, but nodded, and I watched as he kicked in the door. He walked in front of me through the door, but I quickly rushed past him, and ran around the apartment looking for her. "Summer!" I called, stopping to see if I'd get a response. "Stefani." I heard her voice say quietly from a closed bedroom. I rushed over and turned the doorknob slowly. When I opened the door I saw Summer laying on the floor, her face in her hands, and blood everywhere.

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