Chapter Eight

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Gaga's POV:

Right after Summer's eyes closed, paramedics came rushing in, along with a couple police officers. "Hang on baby." I whispered, scooting away so they could do their job. They announced she still had a pretty strong pulse, and strapped her up to the gurney. I wanted so badly to ride in the ambulance with her, but they wouldn't let me because I wasn't "family." Police were all over the apartment, taking samples, collecting evidence, looking for Ryan. I pulled Peter out to the SUV, having the driver follow the ambulance. I was restless the whole ride. Shaking my head, shaking my leg, doing anything to avoid being still. When we arrived at the hospital I rushed in, trying to find Summer. A nurse informed me that they needed to check for internal injuries, and tend to her wounds before anyone could see her, but as soon as I was allowed in she'd let me know. I nodded, taking a seat in the waiting area.

We spent hours waiting in that room, with no word. The nurse came back in after a while to say that they were going to have to do surgery to repair some internal damage, and that there were signs of sexual assault, so they needed to do a rape kit. I shut my eyes tightly, feeling more than nauseous at the thought of him touching her like that. Later in the night Tara showed up with coffee for me, but I felt too sick to drink it.
After an excruciating four hour wait the nurse finally came in to tell me that the surgery was finished, and Summer was beginning to wake up. I nodded, waiting for her to give me the okay to go back, and as soon as she did I got up and sprinted. I opened the door to see Summer laying there, eyes still closed, but stirring a bit. I walked over to her slowly, preparing myself to look at her injured body. I set my hand on hers, and her eyes opened slowly. "Baby." I whispered, as tears flooded my eyes. She looked at me, her eyes wide and full of fear. "What happened?" I asked, squeezing her hand a bit tighter. She shook her head. "I tried to fight him. I. I don't know why I did that. I never do that. He- God he was so mad." She stopped talking, and closed her eyes tightly. "The nurse said something about signs of... of sexual assault... did he..." She started to breathe a bit faster. "Yeah he uh...he raped me." I felt my heart shatter as I looked at her. She looked so broken, and lifeless. "Oh love." I whispered, kissing her hand lightly. "He's done a lot of things but... Nothing has ever been as violent as tonight. He kept saying wanted to remind me that he owns me. And I gave in. He beat me so bad, I gave in. I said it out loud, that he did. But that just wasn't enough he... He had to take it all from me." Anger filled me as the thought of him doing that to her ran through my mind. All I'd ever wanted to do was make her happy, give her good things. All I wanted was to treat her right, I wanted to touch her right. All he wanted was to hurt her, and use her, and break her. I watched as she put her hand up to her head, feeling one of the stitched up gashes. "I'm going to have to talk about it aren't I... To the police?" I nodded my head, having no other answer for her. "They... They did a rape kit already, before you went into surgery." She shook her head, "Well... At least I didn't have to be conscious for that." The room fell silent, as neither of us really knew what to say. "Your guys's apartment is a crime scene now, but they told me I could go in and get some of your things. You don't ever have to go back there. You're with me now." She looked up at me with sad, tired eyes. "You still want me?" She whispered. "What? Yes, of course I do. Why would you ask something like that?" She let out a small sarcastic laugh, and looked away. "Because. I'm used. I'm dirty, and my body was claimed by someone else." I gently lifted her chin so that her gaze met mine and shook my head. "You are none of those things. You are beautiful, and smart, and intelligent. You are the love of my life, and I don't care what happened in that apartment. Nothing could ever make me love you any less. You are not used. You don't belong to him, he didn't claim you. He hurt you, and he abused you. That is not your fault. You did not deserve that." Tears began to stream down her face, and she rested her head against my shoulder. "I love you so much." I whispered, rubbing my hand up and down her back. "I love you more." She replied, wrapping her arms around me. She dozed off to sleep for a little while, so I sat on the hospital bed, holding her tightly. I began to fall asleep myself, when I felt her starting to jerk and cry in my arms. "Summer, baby. Wake up." I shook her gently, and her eyes shot open. She pushed me away, "Get off of me!" She cried, throwing her face down into her hands. "Summer." I said quietly, causing her to look up. "Gaga-  I- I'm so sorry. I was just ha-having a nightmare." I quickly shushed her, and sat back down next to her. "You're fine my love, I just wanted to make sure I wasn't hurting you." She nuzzled closer to me, and we both sat in silence for a while, until there was a knock at the door. A female police officer walked in, followed by another, and approached Summer warmly. "Hi, Ms. Mason, I'm detective Prentiss, and this is my partner, Jareau." She waved at them silently. "We just wanted to see if we could talk to you, get your statement." She nodded, looking at me nervously. "She can stay in here, if you want." She looked at me and shook her head, "A-Actually I'd rather her not be..." She mumbled, taking me by surprise. I made sure not to show it in my face, but I could tell she was nervous she hurt my feelings, and she touched my arm. "I just... Don't want you to hear all of this... At least not yet." I nodded in understanding, and kissed her head before leaving her alone with the detectives. As I returned to my seat in the waiting room my brain went wild thinking about what she was in there telling them. About what all she went through, and as I thought about it I became nauseous again, and had to take a walk.

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