No More Tenō-san!

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Scenario: After being with you for three years, Haruka really only has one complaint.

Random Thought: Oh hey, it's this thing I forgot.


"For someone reading a good morning text from their girlfriend, you don't look too happy."

"Huh?" Haruka looked up at the sudden voice and saw Michiru standing besides her. "Oh, hey Michiru."

"'Oh, hey' yourself." The blue haired girl replied back and sat next to Haruka on the couch. She leaned back and looked the blond's phone. "So, what are you mad about now?"

"I'm not mad, I'm upset." Haruka corrected her.

"Oh, so there's a difference."

"Just look." Haruka gave Michiru her phone. Michiru took it and read the message you sent her.

From My Cute Kitty:
Tenō-san, good morning. ......Eh, maybe
doing good morning text messages everyday
wasn't a good idea. I'm running out of things
to say. Umm...
Oh! I've recently learned how to use the 'emojis'!
Look, it's bear-san! Or is it dog-san?

Michiru had to cover her mouth to prevent a snort from escaping. You were raised in a temple and had a strict and traditional upbringing so most modern technology was something you know little about.

So imagine your surprise when one day, Haruka just randomly bought you the latest and greatest smartphone. When you asked why, the blond just shrugged her shoulders and said that the money was just 'laying around', so she used it.

It took a while for you to get used to the contraption, most of those days were spent convincing you it wasn't going to burst into flames or come alive like in those old movies you watch with you father, but you slowly got the hang of it. It seems you've finally figured out emojis at least.

Michiru returned the phone. "I don't see what the problem is. Your girlfriend is just being cute."

"She's always been cute, but that's not the problem." Haruka said. "We've been going out for three years and she still calls me Tenō-san. You'd think she'd at least call me Haruka by now."

"Well, that would be strange," Michiru agreed halfway. "if she was brought up differently. You do remember she was brought up on traditional Japanese ways, right? She uses -san for everyone. Even emoji bear dogs, apparently."

Haruka leaned back on the couch and looked up at the ceiling. "I'm suppose to be the one exception though."

Michiru chuckled. "My, how high we think of ourselves."


"Ah, Tenō-san!" [Y/N] noticed her girlfriend walking up to where they agreed to meet and waved her hand. "Good afternoon."

When she got near, Haruka gave [Y/N] a kiss on the cheek. "Hi, my little kitten."

[Y/N] blushed a bit but smiled anyways. She then widen her eyes, as though she just remembered something, and stepped back. "Ah, look! Nee-san and I went out shopping yesterday and she got me a new kimono! What do you think?"

You gave a little twirl so Haruka could see all of it.

"It looks nice, love. Are you going to wear that to the festival this weekend?"

"Yes. Is that alright?"

"Of course it's alright. It matches the yukata I'm planning on wearing."

"Thank you, Tenō-san!" [Y/N] smiled up at the girl.

Haruka, however, twitched her brow a bit in annoyance at the sound of her last name. She took a deep breath, let it out slowly, and lent [Y/N] her arm. "Shall we go on our date, little kitten?"

[Y/N] took her arm and smiled up at her again. "Yes, Tenō-san!"


"It's so cute!" You cooed at the decorated ice cream in front of you. "I almost don't want to eat it."

"If you won't, I will." Haruka inched her spoon towards your cold treat. You playfully shrieked and moved your cup away.

You and Haruka were eating some ice cream inside a small parlor in the middle of a park. The cool treat and the parlor's AC did wonders for the atmosphere.

"Be careful now," Haruka told you. "you don't want that cute kimono to get dirty, do you?"

You scowled a little bit. "I'm not a child anymore, Tenō-san. Keep this up and I'm not letting you take me to the festival."

Haruka's eye twitched a little, but she tried to play it off. "R-right. I wouldn't want that."

You tilted your head, noticing the shift in your girlfriend's mood. "Tenō-san, are you ok?"

Haruka sighed and scratched her head. If there was any time to bring it up, it'll be now.

"Actually, there is something that's been bothering me."

"Then," you put down your ice cream cup and looked at the tall blonde. "if it's anything I can help with, please share your worries with me Tenō-san."

"Look." Haruka started. "You know I respect your upbringing and such and I don't think that's a bad thing at all. you think you can stop with the Tenō-san?"

"'Stop with the Tenō-san'?"

"Yea. Just call me Haruka."

You started fidgeting in your seat. "But... that'll be improper. Tenō-san is older then me, so..."

"Only by a year." Haruka retorted. "Just try saying it. Ha-ru-ka."

You looked away, a blush very clear on your face. "U-uhh...H-Haruka...-san..."

Haruka sighed when she heard '-san', but decided to take what she can get. "As I thought, hearing you call out my name is great."

"Is it really that good?"

"Want me to prove it?"

You tilted you head and was about to ask Haruka what she meant when she brought your face closer to hers and put her lips near yours, almost kissing you.

"[Y/N]-chan~." She whispered against your lips.

You felt your heart beating out of your chest as you stared into the older girl's eyes. Honestly, if it wasn't for one of the parlor workers coughing awkwardly, you two would've probably stayed that way.

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