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Part Two: The Search

Chapter One

Hinata was scared when the Konoha gates opened. By her side were her two trusted senseis and two complete strangers in whom she was trying to get used to. When she was younger, trust came much easier, but now that she's nearing eight, Shikaku and Anko had taught her to trust in discretion because anyone could be an enemy.

Inuzuka-san was nice. Hinata was a bit nervous what with her having tattoos and wolf-like teeth, but she soon reminded her of her mother. Although she wasn't so sure of Kuromaru. Thinking of her mother, Hinata wondered if ojiisan could really keep the Phoenix and Dragon scrolls safe and sound. She knew how powerful her father was. And if he wanted to, the Hokage would need a lot of ANBU to help him restrain her father.

Aburame-san was a different matter. He was so silent, that sometimes Hinata forgot he was there. He was scary, with his face half hidden behind the collar of his coat and his eyes masked by his sunglasses. And every time she was beginning to forget about the kikaichu bugs, one just has to scamper over his face to make her freeze up. Although Shikaku-sensei seemed to trust the bug man, so she told herself that she had to too.

She was certain that the two newcomers didn't know what to think of her except that perhaps she would be a liability in the long run.

With the gate open, a rush of sunlight hit her face, warming her body against the nearing winter air. Soon, she thought to her enjoyment, there'd be snow. She always loved the snow. When she was younger, her mother and her would go out to the gardens to try to catch the falling snowflakes.

Anko-sensei took her firmly by the hand, and she smiled. Anko-sensei was always nice to her, and she liked the fact that she was wanted at least by some people. Suddenly, Inuzuka-san took her other hand and she was surprised. Looking up at the wild woman, Hinata saw her smile at her.

Could not help herself, Hinata smiled back.

"Let's go off to a grand adventure, Hinata-chan," Inuzuka-san said softly.

Together, Shikaku-sensei, Anko-sensei, Inuzuka-san, Aburame-san, Kuromaru, the kikaichu bugs and her stepped forward to a world Hinata had only heard of.

A world she only dreamed of.


At first, they went fast. Ojiisan had said that it was a secret mission, and by that, he meant that no one must see them. So, they ran fast, very fast. They ran so fast that Hinata was sure that she would trip and fall and be left behind, but thankfully, not any of those things happened. In fact, they were slow enough for her to keep up, and fast enough to leave unnoticed.

Hinata was glad that Fugaku-sensei had taught her how to run fast, using weights and everything because if he hadn't she was sure that she would have to be carried by one of the adults, which she didn't want to be. She was going to be a capable kunoichi, meaning she needed to run fast.

They were headed east, to the Mizu no Kuni, the Land of Water. She had been informed along with everyone else, that the last place the great Turtle was last seen was on the shore of the Mizu no Kuni, and they were determined to check it out. So by mid-day, they slowed and took a rest for lunch.

Hinata, huffing slightly, watched as Aburame-san collected sticks on the ground and Inuzuka-san take out a couple of pots and pans. Anko-sensei took a teapot and headed for a stream as Shikaku-sensei looked for some useful herbs to use. Left alone, Hinata sat on the grass to watch them move in sync. She could tell, already, that some of them have worked with each other before, but knew that none have really worked alongside Anko-sensei because Anko-sensei was a new jonin.

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